Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Happy and glorious Wednesday people!! are you all doing today?.....I am doing pretty good…..ready to get off work….so I can get ready for my other job…..Texas weather is so crazy!!...woke up this morning thinking about wearing a sweater…..glad I used some common sense on that one!!.....just went outside to get ice cream and it seemed like it melted before I could even open it…..crazy…….

So last night while I was washing my clothes, I watched the BET Awards…..first off, let me say, I really don’t like watching shows like this…especially being in my line of work….it makes me feel like a failure seeing that I have yet to be nominated for anything, let alone, even been there…..and being 30, its frustrating… times, it makes me want to work hared while at others, I get discouraged….I promise that next year, I will be at an award show, rather it be locally or nationally……this is a goal I am setting for myself……

Ok back from my tangent……was I the only one that heard how horrible the mics sounded?.......and it seemed like way too much was going on that wasn’t coordinated….I know it came on Sunday, but I’m typically late when it comes to television…..a few artist were performing songs I have never heard……and then…..there’s Chris Brown……wow, he did an awesome job……I cant believe the “hip hop illuminati” decided not to show up, simply because he was there……how selfish is that??.........what makes them so much better that they cant forgive him for his actions…I still stand by my theory that Rhianna said something fly…….but watching him break down during his rendition of Man in the Mirror…..really had me thinking….even in my altered state at the time…..its hard to ask someone to change when there is a lot inside of us that needs to be fixed…….no one person can change the world…but if we change ourselves, the healing begins….I never disliked him for his actions but I commend him for stepping up…..has anyone ever heard his side of the story?.....for him to take all the blame is noble in itself……before we continue to judge people and their imperfections, lets look at the
Man in the Mirror………….

I got to work this morning and had a pile of work on my desk……I’m thinking how was I ever going to get through it all in one day….my boss comforted me by telling that I always have tomorrow if I don’t complete it all today…… I work diligently to get all of my task done……I actually finished most of them but then my boss comes back over and sees my pile of work getting smaller… know what he does?......he gives me more task to finish…..this is a cycle…complete on thing, get two more to accomplish…….finish those two, there are three more things to do…….my inbox never gets empty……..

We must also realize this fact about life……sometimes, we don’t understand that even when we die, our inbox will still be full……..we take things so seriously that we forget to do the little things that keep us happy………even at work…sometimes, we feel we have so much to do, we miss lunch…..well in life, God has a lot for us to do, but we are able to rest…we have to rest…..we must not let our goals and dreams run us crazy…….

When I was younger, I wanted to go to college…check…then I wanted to be a teacher and get married…..check check…….next I wanted to put out a CD….done… I have my own company and visions on opening my youth center…after God allows that to happen, I still wont be done with my purpose… the meantime, I must spend time to enjoy life and all its intricacies………we cant get tied down with trying to complete it all….remember when my grandmother was in the hospital??.......instead of sitting down and resting, I still tried to do everything I could to continue the Essential Entertainment movement…next thing you know, I ended up in the hospital……..and the doctor told me I needed to rest…….I didn’t want to get behind…but if I would have died, what would I have been able to accomplish….absolutely nothing…….even I had to realize this fact…….

look, I understand we all have life issues…we all have things that we would like to get done….we all have dreams and aspirations….SO!.......they don’t mean anything if we are not in our right mind to function…….if the foundation of our soul is cracked, nothing with stand up….and even when you are working hard, don’t get discouraged that your mission is never completed……that’s life my friends……don’t worry about your inbox… will never be able to empty it anyway……….

Shout outs to my girl Chris from U.B.E…..its amazing how you can connect with people…and with the spirit God has given me, I can tell a good person….thank you for the opportunity to get to know you…..IF THERE IS ANY ARTIST THAT WOULD LIKE TO GET ON A SUMMER MIXTAPE, PLEASE GET AT ME!!!.............its called networking humans…..learn it………..

Love yall!!!!!!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Good afternoon ladies and gentleman…I hope you all are doing well today……I do apologize for not writing you guys yesterday but I truly did not feel well……I feel a little bit better today but I am begging for a little more rest once I get off……of course that is probably not going to happen….but hey…a brother can dream cant he?.......I hope you all had a tremendous weekend; I know I did……it was such wonder to spend time with Jayla and have her not wanting to go home……I used to have to beg her to come spend a night….now she is asking every week….totally cool in my book……..
So we are still preparing for the Reno trip…this week, we are going to have a garage sale…..Lord knows I need to get some things out of my crib….remember when I was talking about vessels and God being able to give you new things?......well this weekend, I need to practice what I preach……hopefully, I will be able to get a few item out of my house that I know I never use…hell, I may not even know are still in there…..and even though we will be selling these items, it may be something somebody truly needs….and that’s a blessing for both…..
Oh man!!....I recorded my first song with the band on Saturday……besides listening to my gospel Sunday, I have yet to take the music out my CD player……once you guys hear this, I promise you, the game will be changed forever……..
I remember when my grandmother was still present on this Earth, I would call her for cooking advice……how to make gravy, dressing, or a pie…what ingredients did she put in her specialty cakes……I asked her because I knew she had the recipe designed to make food enjoyable…….everyone loved my granny’s cooking and every holiday, our house was packed with visitors wanted something she cooked…..every time she gave me her recipe, she would close with a some advice: “now this is how I fix it. Don’t mean it’s gonna be right for you.”…….I never understood what that meant…exactly…..but I figured it out… she cooked and enjoyed her food was not going to be the way I prepared my dishes and enjoyed my food……
We often want our lives to emulate peoples around us…hopefully, those that are near and dear and not just an average Joe…..the thing is, our lives are all different and it takes different ingredients to make our recipe……when we look or even indulge into another’s life, we think that every thing is perfect……but preparing a dish takes timing, patience, creativity, love, and of course the ingredients… cant put an egg in everything you make….you cant add flour to all your dishes….and you cant fry everything…….even when we are on our spiritual “diets”, different people consume different things…there are even specialty diets for certain areas that you want to tone up……
We must realize what works for us…..and the first thing in knowing that is what doesn’t work for us……I don’t like mayonnaise, so why would I spend my time fixing a recipe that needs mayo?.......why would I spend my life doing something and engaging in something that I know I don’t like?........they say emulation is the best form of flattery, but often, it is the best way to get into something that you may not like… ever see someone order something in a restaurant and you decide to order it because it look good?.....and if you don’t like it, it messes up the whole mood……learn yourself and what it takes to fill your soul……learn what you like to digest to continue to manifest greatness……figure out the recipe of your life……CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE SHIP IS COOKING??!!........
I hope you all understood what I was trying to say…..its okay to be an individual…its okay to do things your way… don’t have to follow the typical protocol of life if you know deep down, that’s not going to help you succeed….I’m not saying go act a fool (no pun intended: song on iTunes, artist Spaceship Ohayses)…I’m saying learn yourself….be in tune with yourself……don’t make foolish mistakes trying to be like someone……
Well…..I have about 30 minutes to go and I promise it is not coming soon enough… know I have come to realize, I don’t like when people are mad at me……or better yet, disappointed in me……and every since my grandmother passed, I haven’t had that feeling…does that mean no one cares that much? disappoint someone is kinda saying that they care about your success, doesn’t it?......sorry guys, just thinking………
Shout outs to my girl Risa Boo….glad that you chose today for your bi-weekly check in… is always a pleasure to hear from you…..don’t be a stranger and next time I hear from you, you should have copped the album by then……..

Love yall!!!!


Friday, June 25, 2010


Not really in the mood to write today…..and its not because I am in a bad mood…just tired…and my thoughts are drained… are you all doing today?.....its Friday so I know a few of you are excited……some of us…me…have to work tomorrow….but then again….DONT I WORK EVERYDAY??!!.......seems like it don’t it……..and I’m cool with it…until that bear hits…I don’t know why I am so tired today…..I thought I got enough sleep…three and a half hours!!!..........


Don’t think I am going anywhere tonight……got some work to do to get ready for everything we have upcoming….I am truly excited…I need to find me a happy medium though……I cant keep running myself crazy……hmmmmm……..

You know there are different types of track events…..100m, 200m, 400m, 1600m, hurdles, high jump, long jump, discus, and marathon among other things…….in each race, you typically see different individuals…..Usain Bolt, considered the fastest man on Earth, cant run the 1600m race……while he may be the fastest, his endurance may not be that strong…..why you may ask…..well, over the course of his training, he has been conditioned to run only so far for so long……not to say that he couldn’t if properly taught……and the same goes for the marathon runners…it takes them a minute to get into stride so running such a quick race would be no good for them as by the time their engine started getting in true gear, the race would be over…….

In life, we all have our own individual races to run….while some can move swiftly to get to their personal finish line, others…….like myself……have to pace ourselves for a marathon…..we may wish for our task to be done quickly, but we have only been trained for certain races…….think about those that have hurdles to jump…..they have to run fast as well as remember to jump over obstacles…in stride……I know how hard that is…one time in high school, I had to run the hurdles and I fell over the first three…..not only embarrassing but it left me far behind my goal…..

There are people that throw the shot put…..throwing a big weight off their shoulders to the ground as far away from them as possible…….the long jump…..running to jump and get as far and deep into dirt as possible……the pole vault….running and jumping over your obstacle, allowing yourself to fall flat on your back with exhaustion……each race, while specializing in different obstacles, is essential for a track meet……..when I used to run track….stop laughing…I wasn’t always this big…….I loved to listen to music before the race and pump myself up…..through the stretching and greeting of the competitors, I knew no one could defeat me…….I could close my eyes and count my steps that I had to run…it became commonplace……but to others, they would have lasted in my race……and vice versa…….

Sometimes we become in awe of other people’s accomplishments…..we try to compete with them and attempt to do the things they do better than them…just to prove a point…..for what I ask…..we don’t need to prove anything to anybody but ourselves and to God….then we wonder why we are losing our own race…because we are attempting to prepare for something we are not capable of doing….run your own race…work hard at making sure you are ready and focused on the task at hand FOR YOU……..if you lose, at least you will know you gave it your all…..if you win, you will feel more like you deserved it…..don’t prepare to run an 100m dash if your life is geared towards a marathon……which race are you in again??..........

Well I am done with the blog……I hope you enjoyed today’s reading…..shout out to my home girl Dana from the Jerz……this was my old producer/camera person from my television show in college…and my arch nemesis in bejeweled…its cool to know someone as cool as you....and thank you on the counter information…..hey!! Guess what!! till have that George foreman grill!!!!......shhhh!!!!!!!....I miss spring breaks!!!

Love yall!!!!!


Thursday, June 24, 2010


Good evening ladies and gentlemen…..this is ya boy, Spaceship Ohayses, the Incredible coming to you with another edition of Wise Words of Spaceship…..I want to extend a special thank you to all of you that continue to read, continues to support, and continues to give me ideas on how to make this vision better……if you can for me today, make sure you hit up the actual blog site: …………I’m getting close to my 400th blog….its crazy to even fathom that I have written that many blogs on various topics…..its exciting to look back on though…..I feel, I have become a better person by being able to share with you all my battles in life…..

I finally filmed my Oprah audition…..yeah I know I am late doing it, but hey, I had to find someone with the time to do it… I need to go online and fill out the paperwork again…..that should be fun…..I will let you all know when you will be able to go on there and vote for me….I think my procrastination has taken the air out of the actual project…..personal problem on my end I know……..

I FINALLY GOT SOME SLEEP LAST NIGHT!!! home from the open mic around 1 and went straight to bed…..don’t even remember changing clothes or anything…..I knew it was imperative that I took last night to rest, especially seeing that I didn’t have to be at work until 12 today…..its been crazy around here too…..heard more lay offs are on the horizon, as they are sending some of our accounts to Jamaica……then people are losing their jobs by attrition…….folks getting fired for things they did months ago, while others are questionably still employed……and then yesterday, I heard the nastiest thing…..but I just decided not to go there…….

Don’t forget about the Essential Car Wash this weekend!!!...I do ask that you all come out and support us as we raise money for future endeavors involving Essential Entertainment…..we will have food, fun, a raffle, and maybe even some music if the cops let us……we will be at the corner of Preston and Spring Valley all day Saturday……your participation would be greatly appreciated……..if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me about the car wash……….

I just realized…I have not been home all this week!!...whoo hoo!! My light bill shouldn’t be high this month….but it probably will anyway… know what’s that bull? call the electric company to complain and they tell you they will come check out your meter….but if nothing is wrong with it, they charge you a fee……what kind of mess is that?...its like a crap shoot……..they can tell you nothing is wrong, because I don’t know how to read them and still charge you for nothing……..

Today, I was at a restaurant waiting to be served…..there was a guy, a little further up in line that was really acting impatient……he was very close to being helped and then his phone rang……he saw who it was, got excited and got out of line to take the call……..after his call, he attempted to jump back in line, even though the person he was immediately in front of, had already gone…..the new person he was trying to pass would not let him cut the line…he was furious!!...he felt he was entitled to his “spot” since he had been there previously…… wrong of him…….

The point being……sometimes we miss our blessings because we get out of line…..its called patience…….we get so close and then something diverts our attention and we removed ourselves from the line….then we get mad….we see other people getting the blessings we long for……we see people we don’t think are deserving reaping rewards left and right….but its not their fault…its our own……we get weary at the fact that our turn hasn’t come soon enough…..

Lets not let haste and our lack of patience take us away from the things God has in store for us……we spend too much time getting frustrated about waiting……and way too much time looking at what the next man got than being thankful for the things God has given us and what he is going to give us……

Well my boss is on my butt so I have to make this short…..shout outs to my girl Lauren…she is doing a lot better and it just shows the power of my Father…..hope to see you soon babe!!...........

Love yall!!!!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Good afternoon to you all…I hope I find you feeling good and ready to get off work….I know I am…at least here……still have to work tonight……..but you know I love to do that so I am not worried…….what are you doing tonight?.....if you can, come check us out!!!..........


Yeah, we switched up the contest…had too… thing I am learning is that you have to reinvent yourself sometimes…..sometimes change is good……and it can force you to do things that you never have…….so come on out folks….see what we got going on and enjoy yourself……

You know life always has a way of working itself out….earlier today, I even had an inclination of posting something on my facebook about how cruel God’s jokes are…a few weeks ago, I was mentally on E…..truly reconsidering if my vision of Essential Entertainment was going to come to fruition……bills piled, associates disappeared, and the shows decreased… was even affecting my corporate job, as I didn’t want to be here either………I place a lot of blame on myself for attitudes, disagreements, and confusion…..and I didn’t care…somewhere, inside of me, I want to hide….to become a nobody again…who would miss, I considered……and how many more people would actually be happy I didn’t exist anymore……the BOOM!!.......I met the band…..One Night Stand is one of the best things that happened to me……..the EE family started getting stronger……doors opened……visions were being seen…..and then, it vanished again………

By this time, I am getting irate!!!....most of it was based off frustrations…….was I the butt of a vicious joke…..was my life the vicious cycle of I CEO material, or am I living an aberration…….was my flaws overshadowing my good characteristics……..I had no answers…only questions…..and as HE does when he is ready to reveal himself, things started popping up……doors started opening…….and the dream lived on….the big difference is the work……as much sleep as I don’t get, I think its worth it……I am acting on my ideas as well as the ideas of others…….I have not been content with just a little…and I am learning how to humble myself to listen to others…..I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel…………

The thoughts I have had this week have been like none other……a lot of people have dreams and aspirations….even I do…..that’s the basis of the majority of the things I do in life…..but it feels different……the emails I get seem different…..the phone calls and networks I am making feel different……the responses I receive from the blog and the footage and the pictures are coming along faster…..destiny is on the horizon…….

I could have quit……I wanted to quit….hell, in my mind I did quit…but I couldn’t bring myself to letting all of you that believe in me down……I couldn’t let my EE family down…..and I am not going to let my grandparents down……there is so much in life I want to accomplish……so much change I want to make……and most of the time, I have no clue how I will get to the goal……I guess, that’s not for me to know, in all honesty…….we think we know the answers……when something happen, typically we figure its because of hard work…….we “earned” it…..we only earned God’s grace and mercy…..even before the struggle began, he knew what it would take to make us conquerors…..he knew the obstacles we needed to make us stronger and to learn our lessons…he knows what to take away to make us sit up and pay attention to him…..he will bend us, but never breaks us…….sometimes we feel tormented….WHY is the word we scream out……WHY NOT is what we should realize………

I have learned that everyone can carry the burdens God give me…they are mine for a reason…and for that I am grateful……..the trials and tribulations I occur are indebted to me, for his purpose is greater than my own beliefs…….they say its hell getting to heaven and I guess that holds true……..don’t waste your time doubting your greatness even through your storm……..everyone doesn’t get to carry HIS umbrella………..

Well I am ready to go…shout outs are in order to my homie Buddha Ross….man I miss you so much…..I don’t even know if you read my blogs but it feels so refreshing having you back in my life…I promise I will be home soon and we gotta go kick it!!.........

Love yall!!!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I am honestly running off 3 hours of sleep last night….well 5 if you include the two hour power nap I had when I got off work yesterday… are all my comrades doing today? I hope that you all are well and you are enjoying your week so far….mine has been iffy…..a few up and downs…..a couple of miscommunications…….and a sprinkle of broken promises….in other words, its been business as usual………ready to get off work, I know that much…..may even get into the studio tonight….yes, my work is never done……..

You ever have one of those stretches that put you to sleep?....I just did and it felt soooooo good!!.......

So today….or this morning around 2 o’clock, I decided it is time…….one of my main objectives in life is to give back to the community….as some of you know….while others could have guessed, I was the supreme knucklehead growing up….not a care in the world and didn’t give a hoot who knew….I was one of those smart kids that did stupid things…..finishing my work in class, going to the bathroom and get caught shooting dice….I would fight for no reason…curse out teachers just because….and wouldn’t go to school because I was sleepy……if it wasn’t for special people in my life, I probably would not be here to give my testimony…….I made a vow never to forget where I came from…….

When I went to college, I knew I wanted to be an educator…….to me, they were the ultimate role models…..I had heard about Malcolm, Martin, and Jesse…..but they were not prevalent in my life…but teachers were….through all my mishaps, they continued to encourage me and push me to greatness……I finally graduated and when I moved to Dallas I fulfilled my dream and started teaching……it was everything I wanted….and more……and also a nightmare……..

I learned that there are some teachers that do not care about the future of the kids….teaching has its perks and watching over high schoolers with no direction in life is not part of them……the administrators even showed a lack of affection and that bothered me……after three years in the school system, I decided to walk away……I couldn’t handle it……but my dream was not yet done…….

I still want to help kids…I still want to have involvement in the community…..that is….essentially (pun intended)…….the foundation of Essential Entertainment……to give back and give the community something it needs……so I have finally decided to prepare myself to open my youth center……now I know this will be a huge challenge for me and I have no idea of the obstacles that will be in front of me…but I am ready……or for a lack of a better term, my hand has been forced…….I thank my God for my job, but I cant take it anymore…it is so not me!!.......I love the working with people part but my destiny is an educator… vision is bigger than where I am now…….my life revolves around being able to help people….without that in my life, I don’t feel like the same person…..

As I stated, I know it will not be easy…..I asked myself last night, am I making it time because of myself or is God truly giving me the green light?......I guess that answer will be coming up shortly….they say Faith without works is dead…..and if I believe this is my calling, I must put forth that appropriate effort to make my dreams a reality……the thought of my own youth center and the work I have been doing today has really pumped me up……..I think that adrenaline is the only thing keep me awake at this point of the day…….and I know my rough draft of my business plan will not be the final copy……and that’s exciting…so many things to think up…so many moves I will have to make…locations…cost…..the vision and mission……its all going to be up to me and the moves I make will dictate the success of this upcoming endeavor……

But I need you guys help…give me names……locations…buildings…and even ideas as to how to make this a success…I still don’t know the whole Dallas/DFW metroplex so there may be a place I need to be that I don’t see right now…..I do plan on focusing on my tutoring more… broaden that avenue and to continue to put the youth center into action……all I ask is that you pray for me and that this great idea not develop from my thoughts, but from God’s mighty plan……….


Well I am about to wrap this thing up……I want to give a blessed shout out to all those that helped spare my life back in Flint…Mr. Rhymes, Ms Crain, Ms Rumph, Elder Rosborough, and all the other figures that made sure that this child was not left behind…..I hope and pray that I can do 1/100th of the things you did for me…..thank you so much and I love you…….

Love yall!!!!!!!


Monday, June 21, 2010


Oooohhhh…where shall I begin??.......good afternoon to you all and I hope you all had a great weekend… for me…..WHAT THE HECK IS A WEEKEND?? is on my mind like milk on cereal…..and this weekend, I got 2 scoops of it……all in all, a very fun and positive weekend… I am begging for the one thing I know I will not get….REST……and to all my fathers…..not to them suckas that claim to be a daddy, HAPPY BELATED FATHER’S DAY!!............

My dad called me yesterday to wish me Happy Father’s Day……I wasn’t going to call him……for my own reasons but I was hoping to hear from him……my dad and I have never had a close relationship….once, he was a prominent figure in my life but having a child wasn’t truly on his agenda…….it was crazy because his parents stayed right down the street from where my grandmother lived and I often saw him drive by in his Cadillac to their house…..from what I remember, he has been married three times…once to my mom…..once to this real nice lady…and once to this butthole of a woman…funny thing is……she used to go to our church……but she had a problem with my dad being in my life…….see she had two kids of her own and even though I am my dads only biological child, she only wanted him to focus on her family….so I, was the odd child out…..

I have pretty much known where my dad lived all my life….even used to go over there…..until one day, I could feel the tension in their house….so I had to step back…..when I was younger, I had an anger issue…..I remember getting in a car accident and calling to his house for help…we were right down the street from where he stayed…..his wife was there but he wasn’t…she refused to help me….when I went to college, he would promise me assistance……..I never heard from him…..I kept in contact with my grandparents and I even took my daughter over to their house…they called him to come see her….he was too busy……at home with the kids…….

When my grandfather passed in ’07, I became even angrier…..he didn’t even have the balls to show up at his funeral and pay his respects……this man took his place…helped raise me when he didn’t have to……my grandfather tried his best to teach me things about life in the midst of a huge generation gap…….somewhere in my soul, maybe I was hoping that this would be his wake up call since I no longer had a father in my life……this was not to be……at no point did I see him or receive a call consoling me and making sure I was alright……I guess since Willie Barker raised me for so long, he didn’t have to gauge my emotions……he didn’t care about them……..

Its funny though…..looking back, I loved my dad…..I don’t know why…maybe is was simply, he was my dad……he is an Omega and all my life, I thought that would be the path I would choose……not to talk down on any Greek organization, but by pledging Sigma, it symbolized me going my own route…..not to be like him “just because”…even though I am made from the same sloth and DNA, does not mean I have to carry on his legacy….for I have always felt that he gave me no legacy to carry…….I knew nothing about him except his name……and to me, it left a bad taste in my mouth………..

When my grandmother passed is when I started hating him…….my mother, for some unknown reason, kept in contact with my dad…….I didn’t…….and I think that bugged me a lot….I rarely talked to my parents, yet, they were good friends….was I not wanted??......when I got to Michigan for my granny’s funeral, I had heard that he cam to her house and got some food…….not to see me…….not to lift any spirits….but to eat…WTF?!! I figured he would come back to see me…..after all, the parents that had raised me were both gone…….29 years old and no parent to call my own……..did he return….not at all…..but I did see him…….at the funeral… mind you, this is AT the funeral……..I am not in the mood for foolishness…..I am one of the few family members that is keeping together and just my nature is to make sure everything is going smoothly……here comes my dad…chest out…….smiling in church……WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SMILING FOR??......calling my name……I had already informed my little brother if he showed up there was a possibility of some pew moving going on up in there…..and here he comes trying to speak…calling my name all over the church…….I tried to avoid him once…..I ignored him twice…then he comes up to me and interrupts me while I was conversing with a woman from my old church……needless to say, I gave him a piece of my mind……my little brother rushed to stop me before I cold cocked him……he stormed off…never to be heard from again………

About 2 months ago, I called my grandmother…….she is always so happy to hear from me… one of those surprised motherly voices, she asked me about my family and how I was doing…..then she asked if I had talked to my father…….she informed me that she had heard what had happened and asked if I wanted her to give my dad my number……I didn’t care either way, figuring that he wouldn’t call………..but he did…….the same day……and when he called, he didn’t sound like the man that was doing it for the heck of it……..he spent most of our conversation apologizing………

I told him…..I never wanted money….I never wanted to compete with his new family…I didn’t even want a lot of his time….I just wanted a father…..someone I could call and vent to……go fishing with and learn from…….go to the mall and look at women with together….hell I have NEVER heard about the birds and the bees…..EVER…….I wanted someone that appreciated me going to college, pledging and making myself into a man…….he promised me on that day that he would from now on check on me……he would call me at least once a week……and he would check on me…… my mind, “yeah right”……he said that before…..the last time I heard from him…..the VERY last time……….

But he has been a man of his word…and even when he doesn’t call me, I call him……..because I see that he is trying…..and that is all I ever asked for…..our relationship is still rocky…..its still hard to say “I love you dad”…….and its weird laughing with him about things that I had no clue we were so similar about……..but I would rather have this opportunity than any other……

Men…honor thy kids as much as you want them to honor you…..any male can make a baby….a daddy can pay child support…but a father is a rare and priceless commodity……if your kids just want to talk to you about absolutely nothing, let them…….don’t allow a ex girlfriend, wife, or sexual partner, stop you from one of the greatest joys in a child’s life……yes, we know that the mother is the more prominent figure in a kid’s life….but that doesn’t mean you take advantage of it and risk that child’s balance…..anybody can raise a kid…….anybody can be a daddy….but real men are born to be fathers!!!!.............

Happy Fathers Day to all!!!!!!


Friday, June 18, 2010


Hmmmm…..what do I say…..I figure most of you don’t want to hear me brag about the Los Angeles Lakers winning the NBA champions……I know most of you don’t want to admit that Kobe Bryant is this generations Magic, Jordan, Wilt, Russell, and West……..and you probably don want me to say “ I told you so!!”……….so I won’t do that to you……all I will say is…….HA HA HA HA HA!!.......BOSTON SUX ROCKS!!!.......and now, on to next year!!!.........

Besides that, I hope to find you all in good spirits……it is the weekend so I hope you are able to have fun and not get frustrated in this heat!!......I don’t see how construction workers could do it in this weather!!.......this is that heat that makes folk mad……just angry for no reason…

If you don’t have anything to do tonight….or you wanna go somewhere peaceful, have some food and drinks……and enjoy yourself, come on out to our Laugh Out Loud Comedy Spectacle at Crystal’s tonight…….in Arlington……ladies, we want to see you in all your splendor…..we are celebrating the “Rebirth of Grown and Sexy”……please don’t show up in your white T, flip flops, tank top, or anything else you can sleep in……..we want you at your after work best…..fellas, a woman loves a man that looks and smell good…….and that doesn’t include putting cologne on to cover up your funk…….

And tomorrow, Spaceship Ohayses and Derek Daider will be live at HoodStock ’10 in Oak Cliff……we will be located next to Bahama Beach, close to Hampton…….its from 2-8pm………we will be celebrating Cri$ Ca$h of the Amazing Amateurs album release……..its a free party…BYOC…that’s bring your on cooler for the slow ones……and tomorrow night, Spaceship Ohayses will be performing with MoMu Entertainment at the Palladium……very excited about this event….been wanting to rock this spot since I found out about it….tomorrow is my chance…….if you are looking for something to do, make sure you come check me out over this weekend……


And most of the talk I have been hearing today is how Kobe should not have won MVP……last night he had the worst game of the series….yeah, he scored 23 points, but he missed all his three pointers and his stats were not up to par with some of his peers…….the thing I don’t get is….where would they be without him??......

Last night, there was a display of teamwork being showed and it was something that most people gave the advantage to Boston in that regard…….all we heard was the player versus the team……in game 7……the game that mattered the most, the Lakers proved that, when working on all cylinders, there team cant be stopped…….where then, was Boston deficient??......was it the loss of Perkins?...the fatigued of the playoffs?........or the referees not making the calls? that I say it’s a simple answer: they had no leader……..

Yes, as Boston played within the confines of the team, they didn’t have that go to player……they didn’t have the one that would get hot and they would continue to feed the basketball……even as the clock winded down, the Celtics were still content…..or had the mentality of getting everyone involved……in basketball….and in life…..we all have positions to play…and sometimes, we have a right to step up and take control…….to act first…some people are destined to be leaders…while others, are destined to follow…….and there is nothing wrong with that……..have you ever been in a group and everyone conceded to everyone else’s ideas??...what happened??.....nothing was accomplished……within the last two minutes of the game, I saw one team knowing who was going to get the ball and another team passing the ball to whomever wanted it…….its all about gameplan and knowing your strengths………

Sometimes, we have to be leaders…sometimes we have to step up and take on the biggest piece of the pie….as much as we say Kobe is a ball hog or cocky, he relishes the opportunity to be that guy with the world on his shoulders…….no one else on that team would have been blamed for that loss…not Phil Jackson, not Gasol or Odom…….not the bench or the injuries….Kobe…….now think about the Celtics losing for a minute……who do we blame for the loss….no one…we will think that they were simply defeated…no one carries that burden….and maybe that’s a good thing……maybe its best that they all got blamed equally……….for my money though, sometimes you need someone to lead you………

I am still stuffed from lunch……..and I still have about an hour to go before my day is done…….I think I am going to go home and get me a power nap……..I haven’t had one of those in about a week……so it will be a good change of pace for me…..but I do have some dishes that are begging to get washed so I need to make that happen as well…….so many things…so little time to do them all………but now since hoop season is over, I will have more time to do more things around the crib………..


Shout outs to all my TRUE Laker fans out there…and I know there are not many of you……because you “don’t like Kobe”…that’s cool……..we do…and WE ARE YOUR 2009-2010 NBA WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!.......GOT SOME GRILLED CROW FOR YOU DOUBTERS……….

Love yall

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Game 7……Lakers versus Celtics……people, it doesn’t get any better and bigger than this….if you like basketball just a tiny bit, you should be anticipating the electricity that is about to take place……it still amazes me how many people think the Celtics have a chance…..but I guess everyone wants to have an opinion……..

How are you all doing today…I’m okay….ready to get off work…..ready to go relax…thought I was going to hit Rack Daddy’s tonight but upon further review, I have changed my mind… funny and I don’t feel like going down there and not make any money to compensate for what I would spend……had a lot of fun last night at Rolls Royce……our crowd is coming back together……and the acts, as always were outstanding……the winner though kinda ticked me off, thinking he won the $250 after one show……I had to curse dude out!!...not that I wanted to……but he would shut up!!......its crazy because I have been hosting open mics for over three years and somehow, I am the one giving out misinformation……but I have found the origin of my frustrations………

The open mic is not mine…….and for so long…even up until now, I am the one that takes the majority of the blame that goes along with it…..I am the one getting phone calls about cost, acts, performance times, prizes, and judges……and now, its getting frustrated……I love hosting…and I don’t mind dealing with the b.s…….if its my mess……when I do shows in Arlington, of Ft Worth, and Dallas, it seems like the promoters want to make me the scapegoat for all bad things….and I am close to my boiling point…..its one of the reason I also don’t want to go host tonight……I am learning that I need creative control when I am hosting to help alleviate a lot of potential distractions to our show………or……I could just start my own open mic…….

I’ve been wondering for a while how many relationships I have lost due to people placing blame for things on me……and for those that I have worked with, I wonder if they even care……..

So I was talking to my home girl today while she was on her way to school….she was real agitated because her speedometer stopped working in her car……she was used to speeding....and although she wasn’t in any danger of being late, she wasn’t sure how fast she was going……cars began to past her and no matter how much she wanted to inch up their speed, she reluctantly didn’t……..not know how fast she was going made her slow down and pace herself………..

Sometimes in life, we don’t know how fast we are moving…..we become so wrapped up in “getting there”, we don’t have a chance to look down and see how fast we moving……and so many things can happen by going our own speed…accidents, tickets, and even running out of gas before our destination can occur if you don’t pace yourself……sometimes, when I am driving, I like to look at the signs to see my mile mark…how far do I have until my next destination….when I am speeding, I sometimes missed the sign and don’t know how far I have to go……all because I was rushing…..

And knowing your speed also allows you to estimate how much time it SHOULD take you to reach your destination……if I am driving 350 miles at 70mph, I should make it there in about 5 hours…….but if I don’t have a clue how fast I am going, I can become restless, impatient, and in extreme cases, feel like I am lost and turn around… I am back to square one…..going too fast and missing your mark can cause you to have to stop…..anyway…and ask for directions……now you still didn’t make it when you wanted to because you lost time have to get help……and don’t get me wrong…assistance is sometimes needed…..but why should we be the cause for simply not taking my time…….

When you feel like is moving to fast for you, check your speedometer and slow down…my grandmother used to say, “It doesn’t matter when you get there, as long as you get there.”……..a truer statement never been told…..we must make an effort to protect ourselves....continue to push towards your destiny…….but watch your speedometer…you may be moving too fast……….

Well the game is one…..Lakers are down right now…..but it’s only the first quarter… I am going to let yall go for the evening………

Shout outs to my man Raymond…even though we have had our differences between Kobe and Jordan, I appreciate that you at least still stay in contact with me…….I may come holla at ya tonight fam!!!

Love yall!!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I’m here people…how are you all doing today…man, I have been so busy today…and the party doesn’t stop yet…its going down tonight….and for the first time in a long time, I am really excited about it…….hope everyone has had a good day and are doing all to get through this hump day…….


Wow…the Essential Entertainment family is becoming all that I wanted and more…God has really blessed me with a team that probably has more passion than myself….all day I have not stopped working…, it may not have been “job related” but it sure has been “career related”….there is an old adage about not opening a can of worms….and I know why now….the squirm everywhere!!......and once a great mind of worms is loose, watch out!!.......this has been one my greatest days of business, if for nothing else, but the interaction between us and having the opportunity to hear ideas from well rounded and intelligent folks….and yes that includes you Daider!!........

Don’t forget about the upcoming events this weekend…..if you don’t have anything planned, make sure you come check out what Essential Entertainment is all about….. I know I am going to be tired, but isn’t that what business is all about……and as long as we are pushing toward a higher goal, none of the work is in vain……

Today, I realized a valuable lesson…..the quickest way to something is a straight line…..but yet, why is it so hard for us to display this?.......I remember being younger, we used to play this game called telephone…you would start with one person and by the time the saying, word or phrase got to the end of the line, its totally different…….in life, we have a tendency to play telephone….most of it is our fault….and its not by accident…..why is this?...why do we choose to allow others to speak for us…..we swear to the good Lord above about our maturity, how independent we are, and how we want respect……the problem is, our actions don’t give off these characteristics……speaking to my team today, I learned their thoughts…I was able to understand their views on things as well as their ideas……it would be difficult to get Joyia’s opinion on something from Daider…..and vice versa…..we cant always go to a secondary source….nor is it needed…..

I think it has to do with fear…above all…..fear of rejection…fear of not being appreciated…fear of backlash….and most importantly, fear of consequences…….if we take the time to look around us, we are playing telephone constantly……a news article with an “unnamed source”?......telephone……having a meeting with Human Resources at your job?.......telephone…..rumors and things people supposedly said about us…yep, telephone… you may ask, “how can we stop this epidemic?”……lets be more up front with ourselves…I understand that the game of telephone will never end…but we must be accountable for ourselves first….don’t be accused of playing telephone…..I cant say that everyone will agree with your decisions, opinions, and lifestyle……but they do have to respect your honesty and willingness to be free……and that’s the key… many things can you truly do at once holding a phone?.....and I’m not talking about a Bluetooth……..not many……..relinquishing your telephone will allow you the ability to not have to endure unnecessary drama, backlash, or miscommunications…….the choice is yours……but in the meantime, your phone is ringing….go pick it up………

Well I am out of here…..took me a little longer than usual… to talking about the Lakers!!!!...yes, we are going to game 7…I know I said six games and that’s my fault…but a win is a win… kills me how many people don’t like the Lakers because their team is not in the playoffs anymore…(cough, cough: Mavs fans!!)…… prediction…I already know who is going to win……..

I want to give a special shout to someone I work with that is truly a blessing to know….when we first met, the relationship was kind of rocky…….but I think she started to understand me and whenever I have a problem at work, I know I can call on her and she will give me some reasonable advice……she typically has a smile on her face and she carries herself professional at all times…..thank you Faith for being so cool to a brother like me……you are an awesome woman………

Love yall!!!!!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hello folks!! are you all doing today??.......i'm good…..actually got to work on time!!....but I did get written up….apparently the shirt I wore to work Saturday, some deemed inappropriate…and it was……and I was my punishment is warranted…..that’s what I get for not caring…which I should…..besides that, I have had a great day though……its crazy how a mind state can change everything…….yeah, I’m still stuck in my situation…..and I truly don’t know how I am going to get out of it…and I’m not saying I don’t care….but I am at a point where whatever happens, happens……my faith is all on God right now…….

Checking out the calendar, I got a few shows this weekend…I hope you can make it out to a few of them for some support………

Wednesday-CLUB ROLLS ROYCE (Doors open @ 9pm, show starts @ 10pm)
Friday- CRYSTAL'S IN ARLINGTON (Laugh Out Loud Comedy/Rebirth of Grown & Sexy Friday)
Saturday-THURGOOD MARSHALL PARK (@ 2pm-Chri$ Ca$sh Album Release/Block Party-Spaceship & One Night Stand will be performing)
Sunday-EBENEZER WORSHIP CENTER IN RICHARDSON (Church starts @ 11 & I will be performing)
Sunday Night-I will be performing at Club Rolls Royce for a Father's Day concert

Yeah….wow….exactly what I was thinking when I wrote it down…….so I need to be getting some sleep tonight….but I still have things to do……..actually got some sleep last night…..and its funny….I slept a long time and this morning I was still sleepy….but when I only get a few hours of rest, I can typically wake up on time without feeling so tired……I have no idea what’s that all about……….

So I told yall I went to church Sunday…and they message was about “what do you do”…….it was a very good lesson and I took a lot out of it…….one thing that grabbed my attention was a comment he made about periods and commas……so I took that piece and I started thinking…..”What in my life is a period and what is a comma?”…….these things we need to distinguish……when we read a sentence and see a period; we know that the thought is done….completed statements if you will……

The dog ran behind the house.

Nothing more, nothing less….we know who did what……but when you have that comma…….more is to come…….

The dog ran behind the house, hoping to find that pesky cat………

Now we get the why…….we get to understand the meaning of his journey……now the analogy may be a little off but so many times we forget that God’s word is our comma….no matter what we go through… matter the obstacles that are set forth…..we live within the confines of a comma….until we receive that ultimate period…..death people….we always have a chance to continue our efforts……

The reason this touched me is because due to the things that have been going on in my life, I was living with a period state of mind…….bills due…relationship sucks…….work a struggle…..I felt that all that I was up against ended in a period…..but God will neither leave us nor forsake us…and that’s my comma….I may be struggling now……but my life isn’t over…and until that final curtain call, we can continue to live with that comma…….

“For God so loved the World,”

We are living in a time where it is a lot easier to give up….its a lot easier to succumb to travesties of the world….but we cant…..and I guess in a way, I am talking myself out of quitting….yeah…….ya boy has been going through and the difficulties have made me reconsider my worth to this place called Earth…..but one thing I have learned… can’t dictate when your book is done being written…..sometimes in a scary movie, I close my eyes……I know what’s about to happen……I understand this is the purpose for the movie…..and yet, I still don’t want to see it…….in real life…we cant close our eyes…there is no fast forward or rewind button…..once you hit eject, you cant put it back in……we have to face our obstacles head on and continue toward the High Mark…….its all just a matter of commas and periods………

Well, I am about to get out of here…..shout outs to my sis, Charita…..Charita has information about the National HIV Testing Day 5K Run/Walk @ Reverchon Park.....its starts at 7am in the morning.....I would love for all of us to be in the attendance...this is a good look and something very positive that Essential Entertainment will have their hands in.....I love her for her community involvement……it keeps me on my toes……and that’s what EE is all about…….she thinks I am playing when I say this but she is a role model to me…..and why cant friends be role models?? you Sexy Redd!!!!............

Love yall!!!!


Monday, June 14, 2010


I guess I need to get this thing started…how are you all doing today?.....I’m feeling pretty good….kinda weird….but not in a bad way……in a spiritually content way……not concerned with my circumstance right now……or at least I try not to be……how was you all weekend?......I pray I am still conversing with the same amount of people that I was on Friday…..and that your families were covered and protected as well…….my weekend was quite eventful…….when people here at work have asked me how it was, I truly don’t have an answer……….

Friday night, of course, I ended up at Crystal’s for the Laugh Out Loud Comedy Show… talk about funny!!! has been a long time since I laughed that much….and not at my own jokes…….you know laughter really is good for the soul… don’t think about anything bad or negative when you are too busy wiping snot from your eyes because you were laughing as you took a sip of your drink…..great job to all the comedians….if you want to come out for some grown and sexy fun, holla at me…I will have tickets and possibly, some VIP passes…….

Saturday I had to work…..and then afterwards, I went to the open casting call for Oprah’s new television show……now, to some, it may seem as though nothing came from it…..but the whole episode was truly amazing and a work of God……Saturday morning, I looked on the website to see if I needed any additional information going to the audition…found out I had to fill out an application……16 pages worth of questions…..I couldn’t fill them out at work because my computer froze trying to print and by the time I did get them, it was close to leaving time……at 12…mind you, sign up was from 7am-12pm, so I already knew if I decided to go, there was a possibility I may not even get seen…..I briefly glance at the address and go home so I can complete the app as fast as possible……I leave home around 12:50……..I remember the street the store was located at so I drive about 20-25 minutes to this street….come to find out…..(thanks Lisa)…….that the store I was looking at was back on my side of town…from my house, it probably would have been about 15 minutes… its been about 45 minutes……I get to the department store the casting calls are located at and I see the camera crew packing up and everyone anxious to go back to the hotel and relax……there was one last group auditioning…after some fast talking and maneuvering, I am allowed to join that group for my audition…..they are almost done so I walk right in and get to it…….I think I did pretty well, but what happened after is the best part…this lady walks up to me……..she hands me a business card and compliments me on my vision and idea for a television show……then she drops the bomb….SHE HELPS PEOPLE SELF-PUBLISH BOOKS!!! for those that are in this loop called my blog, you know what that means…….no, I didn’t get a second call to come back an audition…..but I may have an opportunity to finally get my book to the masses….and just the other day, my brother Larry was telling me how I need to go ahead and put this book out…..uh……can you say confirmation???........

So Sunday…..boy Sunday……I went to my man’s Cecil church and I truly enjoyed myself….just a few things to note…….I have NEVER heard E-40 and Sam Cooke played in church……and don’t think it didn’t have a purpose……it went right along with the message and showed how hip hop can be incorporated into worship…..the church isn’t big…and I like that to a certain extent….so the pastor didn’t have to walk far to come grab me and get my attention……what did he want??....was he going to lay hands on me?.....did he feel a spirit pulling him to me?.......was he a prophet about to tell me how he knows my struggles?.....none of the above…he just wanted to ask me if I was going to rap at his youth program next week…..WT-???.......see, Cecil is his son…and Cecil is also the drummer in the band One Night Stand….which also happens to be the band that played with me for the Essential Victory Concert…….sooooo, in other words…..I am assuming he told his father I was good….now I have to create a gospel song for next week…because I will NOT be in church performing, “I’m A Freak”…….I’m not that bad………..

Got to work today and my boss instantly tried to make my day a bad one….and I could have easily fell for it….but I didn’t……and its unusual…….somebody told me it’s a sign of growth….I think it was almost a sign of resignation….I’m tired of being sad and angry and hurt…….it was like the devil knew I woke up in a good mood and wanted it to change instantly….the crazy thing is, although my actions may have been the appropriate actions, they were not my doing……I could have cared less about what he was saying…..but by me biting my tongue, I was able to not allow the negative thoughts become actions……..

Well, I think I am about to get out of here…wanted to talk about a little bit more…….but I know this blog would be way too long for that…….and to all my Laker fans…have no fear…please…have no fear………..

Shout outs to my man Cecil for inviting me to your church this past Sunday bro…I totally enjoyed it…if you all want to fellowship with us this Sunday, holla at me…I will definitely get you the address so you can worship with us……..

Love yall!!!!!!!


Friday, June 11, 2010


Why do I have that Usher song OMG stuck in my head??....I don’t even know the words to the song but I think it’s on a commercial…..isn’t it?? are you all doing today?, I’m good…finally got a haircut……its weird how getting your head cut can make it lighter…I know I was rough and I started feeling that way as well…….its Friday, so I want you all to be safe tonight if you decide to go out……I’m pondering where imp going to end up tonight…..probably crystals….but hey you never know……

OOOH!!!....ladies…now you know how I feel about red toenails…..and although there is nothing that can compare to my distaste of that site, I have realized there is another thing that really messes with my nerves……DO NOT……WEAR SANDALS……IF YOUR HEELS ARE DARKER THAN YOU!!!......what’s up with this epidemic?? know how lil kids have those wheels on their shoes and they can motor around??.......some of these women look like they have been doing that barefoot……imp not getting it…….imp not understanding why it is so imperative to show everybody how unkempt your feet are……newsflash…..sometimes pedicures don’t even work……try Vaseline and aluminum foil……..

I got an itch to record…haven’t had that in a while……I hope to record possibly one more album before I decide if I want to retire from performing…..I love performing….don’t get me wrong…..but for Essential Entertainment to continue to be a major force in the entertainment industry, we all have a certain position to play…..imp not so sure mine is making music anymore……or at least on the regular…..I am falling in love with putting together programs…..and of course hosting shows….as long as I am in the entertainment business, its fine by me……and with the great artist that we currently have in Essential Entertainment……Wyze, Derek What’s His Face, and DLP, I don’t need to be in the spotlight in a musical capacity…all the time… the meantime though…..I’m ready to drop my new album……either will be titled “Incredible’s Playground” or “Dessert For All”…….which one do you prefer……

Think I need to make a trip to see my old producer….yeah….THAT producer…don’t think he is going to be happy to see me…but it needs to be done…..that’s one of the hard things about being in this industry….allegiances form and die very quickly and often…..I’m hoping that there will be positive resolution….in all honesty, I’m tired of the bull….I’m tired of not being able to communicate with people like a man should… should not have taken me this long to make this move but I figured I could let thing pass and move on with my life….that’s not true…sometime we have to confront our obstacles and tribulations……running scared live you less options than standing up and being a man in any issue…….

How is it that Jayla knows to ask me to go to Chuck E Cheese on pay week…..ALL THE TIME!!...this isn’t just a one time thing…..she does this bi weekly…..she’s four… she learning the value of a dollar already?......or is she learning to keep up with her man’s money…..maybe I should ask Stephanie……..

I went off on a tangent earlier so I will finish my tangent line…..thinking about becoming a comedian…..yes me……not sure yet…..but I would like to try one stand up routine and see if I am any good…..maybe…….if all else fails, I can stand on the stage and make my nose flare up……..

Please pray for me…tomorrow is the open casting call for Oprah’s next talk show…yes I am going……I still need to do my audition tape…Stephanie and I made one about a week ago but it was denied more than likely because I put the pinky up…….but tomorrow, they will be in Plano… only problem is if I will make it in time for the auditions…I have to work in the morning and so I will be major pressed to get a chance…..there will probably be so many people there…..pray for me…..once I am on the website, I would love for everyone to vote for me and get everyone they know to vote for me as well….and if you are really good…..get everybody that they know to vote for me as well……how awesome would that be!!!.......

Well, I think I am about to get up out of here…whatever I decide to do tonight, I need a nap before that happens……want to give a special shout out to my homie Joyis… may not realize it…but today’s talk did me a world of good… are too awesome for your own realization and I thank you for caring so much about Essential Entertainment……if everyone was as authentic in your dedication, we would be on People Magazine in no time……your work and determination is always noticed…from the bottom of my heart…..THANKS!!!!.........

Love yall!!!!


Thursday, June 10, 2010


I have been sleepy ALL DAY!!!.....and I probably wont get any sleep tonight as well……but hey, that’s the life… are you all doing today? more day until the weekend……at least for most of us…I’m working all this weekend so I truly wont have time to rest…….unless I find time….Stephanie told me the other day, I am the only person she knows that takes power naps as soon as I get home from work….I figured…..either she doesn’t know many people……or she was just talking to hear herself speak……because I needs my naps…should have went home today for lunch!!!......

Now when I am sleepy, I have a tendency to ramble…..if you see that happening, stop me and bring it to my attention….oh yeah, you cant stop me…you are reading this!!......well, deal with it and respond back to me…….

I have a question…how many of you have listened to my music???......I’m just wondering…..if you haven’t, go on to iTunes or Amazon and check it out for yourself…..if you have the funds, pick up a song or two, or buy the whole album……I would greatly appreciate it……..

I’m starting a new series next Wednesday…….its going to be called “Why Wednesdays”…..but in order for it to be successful, I will need you all’s help……each Wednesday, I want to ask questions that we all think about starting with “Why”…, Why do women shaved all their eyebrows off and draw them on?.....or “Why do fat people order a lot of food and then get a Diet Coke?”…….hopefully, we can get some answers to these tough questions…..all I ask, if you have a “Why Wednesday” question is to email it to me……I want to have fun with this series……and if your question is inappropriate, understand it will not be posted up on here…….

For some reason today, I was thinking about my blow out a few weeks ago…….recalling the events is painful, but I had to put them in perspective……I saw that my tires were showing tread…they were wearing out…..but I……figuring that I have all the right answers decided to continue to drive my truck without any thought of the repercussions…..the tire was cool on the highway….there was no traffic and no foreseeable litter that could disrupt my trip……as soon as I felt the traffic coming on, I braced myself……I always have a sense of fear when I am in traffic because you never know what’s going on in the mind of the other drivers……..I soon saw something in the road……I tried to maneuver myself so I wouldn’t hit it… 18 wheeler was in the lane next to me…..he did nothing wrong…he stayed in his lane and continued to drive…I tried hard to get the driver’s attention so I could avoid the possible damage….it was too late…..BOOM!! thing I know I am on the side of the road, feel hopeless…….

Now the bad part of the story was what happened after……people were driving by, but no one was of assistance….I had someone come but they didn’t have the tools needed to change my flat…….I went to tire shops and the workers didn’t speak English…..I was stuck……the more I looked for help, the more time went by and I started t think I wouldn’t get any help…did I call roadside assistance…sure did…but they told me I needed to have my own tools…….

The reason I bring up this story is because in life, we have a tendency to see things getting worse and we ignore them…..we think we have it under control….the fact is, something’s are not in our control…….and even when they are, we must take the necessary steps to have the tools we need just in case something happens……whether it’s a relationship, family, finances, or even a hobby……..we can set ourselves up for failure by not thinking things through and being proactive…..and then, we get caught in the conundrum……we try to find anyone we can to help us……the harsh reality?........we need to be able to help ourselves first…..there may be people in our lives that can get us out of sticky circumstances, but its not for them…..there is a difference between a blessing and a crutch……we all can be blessings to one another but not a crutch……because of our misjudgments, we cant expect people to do things on our time……even God doesn’t do that, so why expect man……we know what we are getting ourselves into…..but our reluctance to understand consequences makes life harder than it should be….if you see tread on your tire, go change it……you can do more harm letting it go than good……..

Well, the Lakers play again tonight……dude at work just bet me $20 that the Celtics are going to win this series…..easiest money I have ever made in my life……lol……..but for all those that are still doubting, its cool…..go change your tire!!!..........

Also…..I want to say this not because I am hurt or scorned….its an observation and I know there are a lot of entrepreneurs on this list……DON’T LET ANYONE DOUBT YOUR DREAM!!.....some people can’t be your friend if they don’t support you……its life…we have to get over it!! a good Christian man, I try my best to stay in the loop with people, even though I know they wish my downfall…and some just have heavy doubt…..its okay if you don’t associate with them!!.......they are not helping your progress anyway!!!....sure we will all have people that try to squeeze the joy out of us….as my granny used to say, “feed em with a long handle spoon”…….its amazing how some people don’t have anything to say to me until something bad happens or they are trying to get info on some drama……don’t address it…love those that love you back…and are not stalkers!!!!!!..............

Well I think I am done for the evening….I am going to try to work for the remaining time I am here…..please check out the music……..hit me up on facebook, twitter, anything you want…..once again, you have been warned……..

Shout outs to my girl Koi….she has an important job interview tomorrow and when two or more are in agreement, God hears our prayers…say a prayer for her tonight that she will get the blessing she rightfully deserves……and fathers…..don’t wait until next week to see your kids…that was just on my heart!!.........

Love yall!!!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hmmmmm…feels like I haven’t written you guys in years!!! are you all doing? good….just figured out if today is Wednesday or Thursday……my days are getting quite blurry……just got out of a training course and my word!!’s amazing the things women say when they are not paying attention!! was a learning experience that I truly needed….got a few things to talk about……so let’s get to them shall we?........

So today I got stuck in some conversations about the controversial words Slim Thug had to say about black women and relationships… I don’t want to provoke any additional comments with my thoughts…..but its amazing how you can speak for ages and a woman will pick one thing and try to dissect that diluting the whole point of your message……if you missed it, he was discussing dating black women as opposed to other races and why that is…, I don’t agree with his points….I simply feel a larger issue was missed that should be addressed….instead of ridiculing and talking down on folks, why are we not into the building each other up?....why must we lose contentment for instance material success? love really important nowadays and does it actually cover a multitude of things??......our community needs a reality check and I think this may be the start……….

Of course I was being looked at as if I agreed with him……I was leaving home today at lunch and thought to myself, “what if he doesn’t even believe what he was saying?”……what if it was all for attention? Slim Thug, by the response of his comments, really that ignorant, or just that smart?.....knowing me, I would have asked that question knowing that it totally didn’t affect me……but its something that bubbles under the surface of relationships that is never addressed…….who knows!!......

Speaking of Slim Thug, I was watching the Hip Hop Honors on VH-1 the other night…..noticed something odd….there was no artist from Dallas representing the South…..don’t even think there was one in the audience……and I wonder why?......not going to bash anyone, but its apparent, there is a lack of hip hop going on here…..and its frustrating….even if its not Spaceship Ohayses, I see too much talent on a day to day basis for it not to be on a national spectrum…….who do we give credit too for this handicap? we blame the artist for not pushing themselves out there enough… we blame the DJs for playing music that puts money in their pockets as opposed to new hot music that could create a legacy? we blame the fans for not supporting local music?....and with Dallas being such a melting pot, what is local music anymore? it that imperative to get someone from Oak Cliff on?........are local music heads that concerned that someone not from Dallas, that lives in Dallas would get on first and they still wont have credit?......its a disturbing thought……of all the major cities in America, Dallas does not have one artist they can claim to be a superstar…..and please don’t give me Erycka Badu… know what I am talking about…….


The best of the best…..sounds like the Los Angeles Lakers…….so many people here at work thought that when they lost game two, it was a wrap for them…there was no way they were going to win in Boston…..LMAO at the egg on your face…understand this…I am not just a Kobe fan…I am a laker fan…and they have the best team in the league…yeah, the Celtics have had a good run in the playoffs but they were and average team at best this season….age will get to you…….and after playing 20 extra games this postseason, eventually they will break down… I think the series is over? not yet…I see Lakers in 6…did I say that with my original pick?........not sure…..but that’s what I see now!!!......

Thinking about publishing my book….I know you guys received another chapter yesterday….I’ve been reading it more an more lately……and I think I want to go ahead and try to release it again…..I think it’s a pretty good read…..what do u guys think?.....I would love for it to be turned into a movie……probably starting in July, I will work on getting the book released…….and then finish up on the second part of it…..

So let me give you a quote…haven’t talked to Rika in a minute so I don’t have nay new quotes… least from her……but I do have one I would love to share with you all……

“Remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come."

Shout outs to my girl Lauren……she is truly going through right now but God has his hands on her….tonight simply say a prayer…if you get this in the morning, again, say a prayer for her……she needs it al land I know miracles happen everyday……

Also, a shout out to the Cakelady, Chef Chaq…if anyone needs a cake done, I think you need to let me know…she is absolutely awesome at what she does and within reasonable prices…….don’t disappoint someone because its convenient for you…..if you want the best wedding, birthday, anniversary, or just because cake, Chef Chaq is what that is………

Any artist that would like to participate in the $500 Industry Idol Competition in Arlington should also get at me……last week, we had K104 in the building along with other celebs that may possibly make your career….its worth a try!!

Love yall!!!!!!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Chapter 3

Middle school was an extension of what was becoming of me in elementary school. I still did shit that got me in trouble, not caring about consequences because I knew I wouldn't get in trouble. Since Grandma worked and Granddad did all the errands, I became accustomed to when he woke up, ate breakfast, left, and when he would come home to wait on Grandma- all from the window of my neighbor Junebug.
Junebug was a 47-year-old crack head that was the victim of General Motors' first lay-offs. He's had the house he stays in since he was twenty. First person on the block with everything. He was like our role model; his shit was straight and he was cool. We could go over there for something to eat, see some pussy, or just chill out after school and homework. Grandma didn’t care if me or Harold went over there because his momma and my granny were best friends. They used to gamble with some of their friends from the block in playing Pokeno.
One day, I came home from school early (actually, I got kicked out for putting a girl's hair on fire) and went over to Junebug's house. I had to ride the bus home so I didn’t have a chance to smoke my afternoon Black and Mild. Instead of having to walk the block a couple of times, I decided to go over to Junebug's. He let us smoke. Not weed or anything, but Blacks and Squares were cool. I went over to Junebug's and his front door was open. This wasn’t like him; he felt like the way to a woman’s heart was your home. He kept his hit nice. Junebug would make you take your shoes off at the door. No way would he leave the door open for people to just walk up in his crib. Ain't nobody gonna think to take their shoes off. At least I didn't.
His lights were off. There was nothing going on in his crib. No tv, no cooking, nothing even upstairs. That's strange. He would even put on music when he was sleeping. I walk up the steps and see him sitting on his bed lighting something up.
"Bug! What's wrong with you?"
"I'm cool. Just in here chillin for a second."
"Whatcha smoking on? Isn't that cocaine?!"
"Nah. It's crack though. I know you don't know the difference since you're so young."
"I know the difference Bug."
"Well, crack ain't as bad as pure cocaine. That shit'll fry your brains. Plus, I only do this, this shit on occasions. Sometimes when shit starts getting to me, I hit one of these motherfuckas. Not that it changes anything, but I be fucked up."
"You must have got laid off too."
Junebug paused and sobered up questioning did I just have the audacity to question his life. There was one rule to Junebug: don't question his life. Here I was at one of his most vulnerable moments asking him something I assume personal to him and saying it like I meant to say it.
"How you know about the layoffs?"
"My granny was talking to my aunt about it."
"Plus we watched the news coverage in class on channel 66."
"Yeah, I got laid off. I'm cool though. 27 years in the shop is good time. I got the house paid for, my cars are paid for, and I've saved a little. Hell, I might even take a trip and leave you in charge of the house, you be
over here so much. Who knows? That shit was fucked up though, u'know? I never missed a day of work and was so close to retirement. I would have preferred the choice of retiring early than to just be let go. The shit was foul, somebody needs to do something about this."
Junebug was getting more upset the more he talked about it. Every time he stopped to think, he would turn his physical concentration on lighting this glass dick in his mouth. The more he talked, the more he smoked. This was the first time I had ever seen the development of somebody getting high.
"So that's why you smoke crack?", I had to ask him again since he had refused to answer me the first time.
"It's not what you do, it's how you do it."
"Some things you shouldn't do Bug. My auntie smoked that shit and we ain't heard from her in a couple of years."
"I'm sensible with mine Clay. I appreciate you concern, but to answer you question, again, I don't do this all the time. And Ima really stop now since I don't have a job. Gotta save my pennies now. This will probably be the
last day I smoke this shit. Clay, will you do me a favor?"
"What's up Bug?"
"Will you go around to Mikey's house and pick up my medicine for me. He went to the store for me while I was at work and I forgot to go over there when I got off."
"Sure. I'll be right back."
"Wait. Here."
Junebug goes into his pocket and pulls out a crisp one hundred dollar bill. The only time I would ever hold a big face was when we went X-mas shopping with my grandma and she would let us pay for the gifts she was actually buying.
"And keep the rest for yourself."
That's some bullshit. Teasing me with the "keep the change" phrase. I would have rather went for free than to tip me three dollars like it was going to miraculously change my fortune.
"Aight. I'll be back in a minute."
Mikey was Junebug's cousin that lived around the corner. He was one of those fat cats that always got something to say because if he stopped to breathe, he would sound like he was snoring. He sold weed and I figured this is what Junebug wanted me to get from him. I had got some weed from Mikey in the past and it felt kind of cool being twelve years old getting weed from the dope man. I felt I had a little clout in the hood. I still didn't know too many people, but I knew some people that knew some people. So even if you didn't know me, I looked familiar to you. On my way to Mikey's, I decided to spend my three dollars on two faygos, an ice cream sandwich, and a pack of blacks. As I turned the corner on Page, Mikey was outside with a couple of his homeboys working on a car.
"Young Clay! Got kicked out again huh?", Mikey chuckles as if he doesn't need the answer; the proof is walking right up to him.
"Man this girl in class put her hair on my lighter while I was trying to fix it."
"That lil nigga nuts", I hear one of the guys say from the other side of the car. "You wild for that shit."
"Yeah, I'm out of school for five days. I might come
over here and chill out until my granddad leave if it's cool with you Mikey."
"Whenever dude. What's good? How's grandma?"
"She good. Oh, I came over here for some medicine for Bug."
"Why the hell he send you. Bug a dumb ass. Hold on for a minute youngster." Mikey hadn't ever tripped on me about getting some weed before. But then again, Junebug had never asked me to get him some weed: he just told me to. So these were the first two hints that what I was getting was not what I thought I was getting.
"Here Clay. He give you the money?"
I pulled out the hundred and gave it to Mikey with one last glance of despair. Maybe I should have kept it and tried to convince Bug that he didn't give it to me. As I waited for the change, I got nosey because Mikey kept recounting the change he was about to give to me but I noticed it had a twenty in it.
I was in such awe that he just gave me 60 dollars back, that I didn’t realize that what he was giving me was not a sack of weed, it was two twenty dollar rocks. I put
it in my pocket, not looking (I never looked at the product in front of the dealer, I wanted the impression that I was cool wit it) and marched out the crib. Sixty dollars in my pocket and I ain't got shit to do with it. I felt like ballin' out. At three, I was at the mall, buying something. But first, I had to take Junebug his medicine, grab my Blacks and get a faygo.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Whew!!’s Friday!!....and I am so ready to go……I hope you all are having a great day and are ready for the weekend……I know I am……even though I have to work…..ugh!!....but I need it…and no matter what, I have to sacrifice……at least I can rest through the evenings…for now that is……got the Essential Entertainment picnic tomorrow…nothing big....just going to get together with the camp, fellowship and plan out some things for the rest of the year…..

My big thing is giving myself…as well as the company enough time to implement ideas….when I get a thought, I usually try to make it happen instantly…but I am learning that that is not the way to maximize profit and productivity…..I cant wear people out by trying to rush my ideas…or press them to make things happen….by giving more time to get things done, I think we could make sure every avenue is hit properly to create better opportunities for Essential Entertainment………

Last night I went to Rack Daddy’s to host their Industry Idol… all artist that want to get heard by people in the industry, on the radio, and making decisions….THIS IS WHERE YOU WANT TO BE!!!.......I realized something very important though……I need to make me a contract……the reason I say this is because I saw my craft not being taken seriously and it truly irked me……not by the promoters, but the DJ, his buddies and whoever else wanted the mic…..don’t want to toot my own horn, but as an MC, I need order…I don’t like a bunch of people on stage……a bunch of people trying to get on the microphone, and a bunch of people trying to give orders….it causes confusion…..with a contract, I can put my request on paper and if the promoter doesn’t want to adhere to the terms, I can walk away and not feel bad…and its not just for the Industry Idol…I have noticed this at a lot of my shows…..and I cant take it……so now I must continue to get my business game up…….

Heard my frat brother that got fired may not have gotten fired for what was originally thought to be the reason….rumor has it that it was sexual harassment……and so me being me……I asked the girl that people alleged said it…and when we talked, she had some valid points……if you listen closely around this building, probably 75-80% of the people here are guilty of sexual harassment…….now if we picking and choosing, I could see that…..but its really hard for me to believe that people are getting fired for that……this company should be empty if that was the case…hell I get harassed everyday ear hustling…these young ladies up here are worse than the guys…….but I guess we are still in a society where men cant be harassed by women…or at least taken seriously…….

Remember when you were young and they had these certain type of books?.......they were called “choose your own adventure?”…and depending on what page you turned, you had different scenarios and endings to the story…well I was talking to Mama C today and we discussed how we choose our own adventures in life…but with a twist……when things happen to us, sometimes, the story we tell ourselves dictate how we respond and how much added stress we add on……I will use myself as an example….over the past few months, I have had some financial strain….now I can say, “oh, just an unfortunate incident” or I can say, “this happened because of something I did in the past”…then I begin to feel bad about things I have done and unconsciously give my story a horrible ending….instead of lifting my head up and fighting out of the corner, I decided to take the punches simply believing they are justified…….no one is justified to struggle or go through pain or sorrow…….next time this happens to you, sit back and think wisely how you choose your own adventure…….

Trying to get out of here early…took a thirty minute lunch so I can go home and try to clean my house before I go out tonight… to re tape my audition for Oprah Winfrey…..she is holding a contest for someone to have a new show, so why not take the Wise Words of Spaceship to television?? once I do get this footage on the website, I am going to need each and everyone of you to vote…now is that hard for you to do?...some of you, yeah…because hating is in your blood…but I know some of you will support me and that’s all I can ask…….I so pray I win…who knows what God has in store for me……..

Well about to try to get out of here, so without further ado…….Rika’s Quote of the Day……….

“If you are stressed, you are probably making things more important than they really are.”

Hmmmmm.....dont know about that……I get stressed and the last time I checked, my stress comes from things that are important…but I guess I understand what she is saying……once we die, we will still have things in our inbox…another blog for another day…………

Shout out to my man TrulySpoken…..yesterday he not only celebrated his birthday, but also his one year anniversary…… double congrats to you big homie… you and I pray God watches over you r family in all your endeavors……..

Speaking of June 3rd…….yesterday marked the 7 year anniversary of my first album, “Landed in the Hen House”……my how time flies………..

Love yall!!!!


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Its Thursday already!!!....I guess with the holiday, this week is pretty much flying by……and depending on who you ask, I guess that could be a good or bad thing……how are you all doing today?........I feel a lot better than yesterday…drugged myself up last night and ate leftovers…thought I was going to go out, but decided against it…….kind of glad I didn’t…..actually got about 9 hours of sleep last night……..few more days until the weekend so hopefully, I will get a chance to rest and relax………

I’m thinking about taking some more time off from Essential Entertainment…….not completely, but I do need to maintain a healthy focus…does that mean time for a vacation?...probably so…..I’m thinking that will help recharge my batteries…..I’m hoping that if I take a break from my job, it will give me an opportunity to relax……and I know that is much needed……..this month marks the half year and I need to plan out what EE will be doing for the remainder of the year…I have some ideas; just need to get them down on paper and start implementing them……..

I know I told yall this may be my last blog today…..I doubt it though……its one of the most enjoyable parts of my day…especially when I have a lot to talk about……which I don’t today…..not much eventful has happened in the last 24 hours……but in a few minutes something grand will be going on…..THE LAKERS WILL BE DEFENDING THEIR NBA CHAMPIONSHIP AGAINST THE BOSTON CELTICS!!!......I’m not going to go in-depth about each position or what it would take for each team to win the series…..but being the Laker fan I am, you know I’m going to say L.A. in six games…..I don’t think Boston’s “Cinderella” run this post season will last….they are older and the grind of the playoffs will get to them…..its funny how people say Kobe is nothing like Jordan….my opinion…he’s better than Jordan……yeah I said it…Michael Jordan isn’t the greatest player of all time to me anyway….maybe one of the greatest scorers….but even Wilt and Kobe has scored more than him in a game…..Magic was way better than Michael….and he played in a tougher league…… Michael didn’t win a championship until Magic, Larry, Dominique, Isaiah, Kareem, and Dr. J was out of the league....think about it………

Going up to Rack Daddy’s tonight in Arlington for their Industry Idol……this will be my first actual week I will be hosting so I am interested in seeing how the crowd is up there….last week I heard they had a nice turn out but the sound system died……so they moved locations…I had the show at Mambo Café so I wasn’t able to make it…..hope they have a free drink special up there……..

Why is it that the song you hate the most stay stuck in your head the longest…ugh!!!.......I heard Waka Flocka whoever he is at lunch and I can’t dispose of that song quick enough……

Why do people text in the middle of the night??.....if it was something important, I wouldn’t get it….and by the time I read it, it would be morning so I wouldn’t care??......

Why have I eaten Little Caesars every Thursday for about 2 months straight? it really that good?.......
I know I’m being random…just some things on my mind……like when people say, “I’m bored as hell”…..from what I read, hell isn’t boring… too busy trying to find a spot that doesn’t have fire spewing everywhere…..that should be exciting…musical brimstone….and think of the people that are there…..Jimi Hendrix, Elvis, Gary Coleman (maybe), Michael Jackson (if he like boys forreal), is Jason dead yet?......Wilt Chamberlain, Joaquin Phoenix, and Chris Benoit…….sounds like a party to me……..

Well I am about to get out of here……maybe tomorrow, I will have more for your reading pleasure……..

And here it is……Rika’s Quote of the Day…………….

“It’s a bigger mistake to fear making one than actually making one.”

Always try…there is no harm in giving things your best shot……….

Shout outs to my girl Suello…..she is celebrating her birthday this weekend and it’s a beautiful thing to see someone rejoicing for another year….and my girl Bianca…she is also celebrating her birthday this weekend as well…happy birthday to two very special ladies…..I hope all goes well and you have a great time this weekend……..

Love yall!!!!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Well, well, well……how are you all doing today?......I think I am coming down with a cold but besides that I am doing rather well……..I hope I come to you all in good spirits…even in this hot weather…man!!....Dallas is a burning up state!!.....haven’t really conversed with you all in a few days…had some adversity…..(as always)…and I’m trying to stay as positive as possible…….(the hardest thing I have ever done)………somehow, someway, I know things will get better for me……rather by hook or by crook……..

Just found out a few minutes ago that we won’t be holding Rolls Royce tonight……yeah I know, bummer!!....I wasn’t there last week so I was truly looking forward to returning…now that I think about it, it has been a few weeks since I have hosted on a Wednesday night…..I wonder if God is trying to tell me something??....its cool though….just gives me another opportunity to clean up more of my house……I know I probably wont do as good of a job as I need to……but it’s a start……I know I need to start getting some extra things out of my crib…….especially stuff I don’t use or don’t need…not saying I’m a hoarder but cleaning things up will allow God to give me more…speaking of…….

Have you ever put gas in a car that was already on a full tank? about went all out grocery shopping when your fridge and pantry was already full? about put more bath water in the tub once it was already at a suitable level?? answer these, I would say doubt it…now I know there may be a few of you that have deep freezers….or will say you filled up gas cans during Katrina….but think about it….you can only get more in these instances after you let some of it go……I am learning about this in my walk with Christ………

Sometimes we ask ourselves why don’t we have more, or newer or even better…..well we allow ourselves to be tied down with the past….and you have to let that go sometimes… order for him to do more, you have to give him room to do more…..if you keep holding on to prior blessings, he has no room to give you new blessings… I am not the one that can read you the bible but if I remember correctly, there was a certain part that talked about emptying your vessels….some did….and of course some did not for fear of losing everything……those that were obedient, God blessed them tremendously……more than enough……

Do you ever wonder why bills aren’t paid?......Or why you are not happy with your job?.......relationships never going right even though you “talk” to two or three people at once and cant figure out who is right for you? an entertainer, I wonder about my destiny…..doing the same shows, for the same amount of money…in front of the same people…… we ever consider that we allow our vessels to stay so full that God is not able to produce more for us?.......I don’t even like buying Jayla toys because she has millions of them already….how would she know if she gained or lost one?.....only so much can go inside a grocery bag until it burst and all the ingredients are everywhere……and that’s what happens to us……we pack and pack and pack………and only when our bag explodes do we finally “decide” to go get new groceries……….

Look at your phone… many numbers does it contain that you either a) don’t call or b) have no idea who that person is?......but yet we keep that number….just in case…..just in case of what?.....that we remember them?.......apparently they serve no purpose in our lives……and only when we have to get a new phone do we sometimes lose those numbers…..but because we had so many numbers in our phone that wasn’t needed, we can lose the ones that are important to us…..and getting them back is harder than we think…….

Clean your vessels out every once in a while…we would be surprised how many new things God would give us…..or even how many things that we could use that we never realize we have…….just a thought……….

Sitting at this desk, I’m kinda happy I don’t have a show tonight…….I need to go take some meds…wish I had some soup….but I think I have some Ramen Noodles…..same thing right??.....oh well, it will be tonight…….wrestling doesn’t even come on!!....nor do the Lakers…yeah I said it…..the Lakers…the reigning and defending NBA Champions….and they will be in about three weeks as well…..sorry, but the Celtics don’t stand a chance……………

So I still have a few in the chamber…and I cant go too many days without giving you…….Rika’s Quote of the Day…………….

“Love the heart that hurts you, never hurt the heart that loves you.”

This is a good one…..I have been guilty of this one….there is someone in my life right now that loves me to pieces…and I’m not talking about relationship love…well maybe, but they have my back more than 99% of the people I know…..and yet, I find ways to be cruel or standoffish………and I am so wrong for it…..I need to get out of my own insecurities, because the fact is, people can love you for simply who you are and not want anything from it……the image of society is so corrupt that we think people always want something if they do something………ugh, I don’t like being this way!!!.........

I would also like for you all to do me a favor…… this number: 254-753-1049……that is the radio station down here in Waco, TX……Essential Entertainment’s own, Derek Daider is getting pushed hard down there…….all you have to do is request his song…so what if you don’t hear it; there is strength in numbers…….what’s the name of the song? Don’t matter!!!......just called and ask if they have that Derek Daider song….honestly, I don’t even know the name of the song…but they know Derek Daider…….lets put one of our own on the map…if you do want to hear his music, go to …………don’t say I didn’t warn you………..

Now tomorrow I am thinking will be my last blog…ever…..why you may ask?....because I feel its time to introduce a few people to you….first will be hustle man…the next will be Countytime……over the next 24 hours, I will be drinking some truth serum….and I will finally put out the blog I have always wanted to……no holding back…no care about feelings…no censorship…… this is not definite…..I don’t like hurting people feelings…….I just need to get some things off my chest……….

Shout outs to my girl D Ray……I love you soooo much…I know you mad at me….but hell, a lot of people are mad at me………and stay that way…….but you good…I love your heart and when you need me, I will be there…….

Love yall!!!
