Friday, December 30, 2011
I have to say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, this was one of the hardest years of my life in terms of having faith in myself. I don’t think I have ever been in such situations where I doubted myself so often. The great thing about this year was that I got closer to God. Not to the point where I want to be, but closer than I was. I can feel His presence a little more now. You know, there are a lot of people who say they know God and are “religious”, but it’s a totally different thing to recognize when he is in the midst. Growing up into my 20’s, this was something I lacked. I had always had a connection with him, but it was primarily through my grandmother forcing me to go to church. As my spirit became less recognizable to me, I had to ask God, “What is it?” “What do you want from me?” I became more desperate to have his anointing in my life. I realized that after the family turns their back on you, the friends disappear, the fuck buddies migrate somewhere else, and the only person I could depend on was Jesus. Now, I am nowhere near where I want to be; and the journey is hard. I am now recommitted to living as “righteous” as possible. I could never be a guy that forgets my worldly ways as they help me deal with and assist people that are trying to change their lives as well.
I had an album come out. “Operation: Hip Hop”. Well, in my mind at least. I was hoping to have the album out this past summer. Unfortunately, I was not able to complete that task so I am looking forward to having it done by my birthday next year Speaking of which- this year’s birthday bash was off the shackles!! I try to do something different each year in terms of my birthday celebration and this year’s party was nothing shy of a spectacle. I wanna thank each and every person that showed up and showed out. Next year, we are going to do it bigger and better! Definitely be on the look out for the album as it will be something like a classic. And I won’t be talking about the same thing every song.
I’ve started to learn how to love again. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do. One of the most difficult feelings I have had to administer. I have always been a lover- I think. And as many of you know, I have been married. I truly believe that that experience affected me more than I would like to admit and my heart begin to hardened. Over time, instead of focusing on finding someone compatible to me, I was too busy looking at what was wrong in a person (like I’m perfect or some shit). I ruled out folks just because of ideologies didn’t appeal to me. I was quick to anger, quicker to discard, and even quicker to forget. As much as I proclaimed I wanted to be with someone, my actions didn’t show it; and my mind didn’t want to fathom it. Then something clicked. Something inside of me is changing (yes, I do know it has to do with my relationship with Christ) and it’s kind of cool. The only thing I regret is that I have met some awesome women that I may have cheated out of relationships that I know would have been awesome. And for that, I apologize. Kinda. My sister asked me the other day was I scared of my destiny and knowing that God will put an awesome woman in my life #NOMOREHOODRATS. I thought this was a very valid question and one I had to accept and consider. So now, I go into 2012 focused on not only loving myself and my kids, but hopefully my future wife as well. It feels good having feelings again. It’s been a long time.
I am also looking forward to being cast in my first play in a very long time. The play is called “His, Hers, and Mine’s” and will be coming out January 28th at the UNT Auditorium. I am more than excited about it. When I look back on 2011, I have continued my performing, have hosted or co-hosted 4 online radio shows, began my career as a stand up comic, went to Las Vegas and hosted a show there (also performed), and now acting and directing. It’s hard for someone like myself to get down on myself when God does so many great things in my life. *back from tangent* Okay, so starring in this play has allowed me to become a stage manager for another play the writer has. At first, I was kind of bummed because to me, a stage manager is nothing but a glorified errand runner. But the more I prayed about it and thought about it, I became excited. I don’t know much about directing a play and this gives me an opportunity to learn for an actual director and see what they see. I have to accept being a follower in order to be a good leader. If we don’t follow, how can we ever lead? We would never know where we are going. Sitting in rehearsal last night gave me a sense of entitlement and peace that not only can I and will I accept my position but I am excited about it. I pray you all can make it out.
If you want more details, please get at me!! Also if you would like to place an ad in the program for a very inexpensive price, let me know. Promotion opportunities are great!!
Well, I think I am about to go. Its not even 12 and I am so ready to go right now. I love yall so much and I truly wish you and your family a Happy New Year!!
Love Yall!!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Well, I just got over the 2 yr anniversary of my grandmother passing. It seems like only yesterday when I would call home to Michigan and laugh and joke with her. As much as I move forward, I still feel the void. With all my issues, I wish she was still here. When I would call her, I knew I would receive the truth. It may not be what I wanted to hear, but it was what I needed to hear. Sometimes, besides my sister Charita, I miss that. The older I get, the more I appreciate the honesty she bestowed on me. As I travel through life and meet more and more people, I wonder, “What happened to that?” What happened to honesty and the understanding that honesty is not negative? It amazes me how we as a society want people to lie to us and to cater to our insecure emotions. Constructive criticism has been surpassed with an attitude of “it’s not my problem”. We proclaim that “this is my friend”; yet tell everyone within listening distance instead of the person of interest our disposition. A sad state of affairs I think.
Where did we go wrong? As a child, as much as my grandparents disciplined me for lying, I understood the importance of telling the truth. Yes, I may have got a whooping for doing something wrong, but my grandparents made sure I knew that telling the truth was the right thing to do. After all, no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. How we handle those mistakes is what creates our character. Now and days, we throw our inconsistencies under a rug or in a closet, whichever one is closest. We will deny our flaws until we are blue in the face, hoping that the discovery of the truth will become less important as time goes by. Yet, it still lingers. Our word becomes our bond and once we break the bond of our own self respect, we begin to look for it by investigating others’ flaws and situations. Might as well throw rocks since everyone lives in a glass house huh?
Then we have our friends. You know, the ones that want us to go to the clubs with them, call us late at night with advice, and go shopping with us. The one you were with when you met that man/woman of your liking. It amazes me how we can say someone is a friend but as soon as they say something that goes against your mind state (even if you asked for their opinion); we begin to look at them differently. How many times have you heard of seen someone get upset with a friend because of something an associate or bystander tells them? How many friends have dissipated relationships because you ask for their opinion and they give an honest one? We say we want folks in our life that “keep it real”; we forget the rest of that quote in our heads is “keep it real as long as it doesn’t upset me”. It is time for us to stop wanted our egos stroked like young kids playing football and handle the responsibilities of adults and to think like one. No one will ever agree with everything we say, so why are we upset when it happens?
And oh, don’t let me get on relationships!! How many times have you heard a woman say, “just tell me the truth, no matter how much it hurts”? Ummm, are you sure about that? I crack up when a woman ask me a question she KNOWS she doesn’t want my answer to. Like she is trying me. If you choose to put yourself on that limb, be prepared to take the answers people have. All because someone loves you doesn’t mean they will agree with you at all times. To me, that’s what makes people great; the ability to think on their own. The differences we share as humans. If there was 53 billion other Spaceship Ohayses’ in the world, I wouldn’t feel as great as I do. If my woman agreed with everything I said and did, how would she be considered a help-meet? More like an enabler to me. IF a woman stayed with me, cheated on me, and kept feeding me crap, why would I want to stay, or better yet, how could I fix myself and the situation if we wanted to try to make it work?
We need to look in ourselves people- me included. Now is not the time to be weak emotionally and beg that your peers feed into your self absorbed ways. Understand that in life, we all make mistakes and not everyone will agree with the things we do. Be able to take it as well as dish it out. We are all critics of some things, except ourselves. We place our ideals, morals, values, and thoughts on a pedestal when in fact; we are just as simple as the rest of the animals in this kingdom. If we promote better communication- without hostile backlash- we can continue to raise our kids right, get back to neighborhoods being villages, and move closer to all of our ultimate goal- betterment.
I’m just saying.
Well, let me get back to work. Just had to vent #OPERATIONHIPHOP
Love yall!!!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
December 11, 2011
Dear You,
I hope to find you in good spirits. Not because this letter was inevitable, but because by the end of this letter, I hope you understand my heart. This is not a letter to give me “a way out”; I prefer the “no argument” routine myself. Through all that we have been through, I realize that I no longer have anything to say. At this point, creating a back and forth discussion with no end would be pointless. So this is my way to say goodbye. And I pray you will digest what I have to say.
They say you can’t change a person. That is true. What do you do when that person changes and those changes are detrimental to our growth? I love you dearly but I am not in love with the person you have become. The one thing that may me come on to you was your grind. You made sure each and every day you did something to be a stranger, wiser, and better person than yesterday. Now, you spend more time watching my Facebook statuses and worried about what I am doing than anything. I don’t do clingy. I hear so many women talk about how they wanna go out with their home girls and still want to have a life when their man is possessive and controlling but with you, you wanna be everywhere I am. I think if they had a Take Your Boo to work day, you would want to come. You make me feel like I am doing something wrong. I remember when we used to have fun together. When we saw each other, it meant something. Somewhere in my soul, I have lost the desire to wake up next to you.
You used to be such a positive person. So I ask myself, “Is it me?” I mean, my intent is not to make you feel less of yourself at any time. I give you access to all of me; mind, body, and soul. I work hard to get you to trust me, and I tell you the truth. Isn’t that what you said you wanted, no matter how much it hurt? I even met your family, something I never do. My wall was willing to be shattered because I knew like no other, you would be my wife. This wasn’t for the short term. In my mind, I had already made the decision to do things I had not done in a while. Even when we were out together, I never gave you an implication that someone was more beautiful than you. So I realized it was your insecurities. No matter what I said, no matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, you would never believe you were beautiful because you didn’t believe you were beautiful. Beauty is not skin deep; it starts from within. It seems every time I tried to love you, you would push me away.
It became apparent I was boxed in a corner. We had no future and I didn’t want to lose you. I always prayed that one day, we could get back to how we used to be. Every day, I became frustrated that I couldn’t change you. I felt that was my last chance. I wanted to be loved by you and I wanted to be your hero. Whatever was going on in your life, I wanted to be the one to make it better. But you wouldn’t let me in. There’s a song that says “you have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them”. I have been holding my feelings in for so long I became sick. I became sick of your face, sick of your games, and sick of your depressing nature. In order to love me like I desire, you must love yourself first. I pray that you get things together. Not for me, but for the next person. If not, your destiny is lonely. I love you. No, I am not in love with you, but as your friend, I must tell you this. If you ever need me, I am here. I no longer will be an emotional pedofile; a man loving a child.
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Anybody home? HELLLLO!!! Wow, my homie told me today I needed to write a blog. I was like, your right. So here I am for your reading pleasure. Kinda feels weird actually writing again. I really don’t know why I don’t write more. I’m on the internet a lot. But it seems my mind is focused on other things, rather its music or playing Slotomania and Cityville. I’m not on the ellipses anymore. I wrote a wrestling blog and the critics ate me alive. And so I agreed with them. It feels different writing like this but I guess it’s something I will have to get used to. Also, this will make my sentences receive a spell check and I can properly write you guys and grammatically correct blog.
The thing that won’t change will be my honesty. Over these past few months, if you have been watching the Incredible Radio Show on Ustream: ( you will know that I have been going through a lot. God has truly been defining himself in my life. I still have many hang ups, many inconsistencies, and many mistakes in my life. I have found a sense of peace, going to church more, and worshipping him. I think that was a problem I had. Even when I did go to church I wouldn’t fellowship in His presence. I would clap and sing along, maybe even scream a Hallelujah at times, but never would allow myself to join in the mist of the Spirit. I’m doing that now. And I love it. With that, comes a place in my soul where I realize that as my life changes, some people will not accept that. Some people will not realize the things I say, while “hurting one’s feelings” is not intentional in their statements, yet a view of realism in this place we call Society. I see more and more of pandering of feelings and cater to other’s emotions that we forget the base principals that make us who we are. We tend to not vocalize our true positions on life with the thinking of “if we can’t say nothing nice, don’t say anything”. Well umm, I do have a voice. And it is not bound by anyone but Him. I think one problem our society has is that neighbors don’t whoop kids anymore. It not only takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to make a real MAN/WOMAN. We tend to try to let things slide too much. And I’m not talking about drama. I’m not discussing a co-worker you despise. I’m talking about life changing things, character and moral flaws, dishonesty and selfishness. Excuse me now if I continue to strike a nerve.
As you may be able to tell, I’m high right now. But that’s a good thing. I tend to open my mind more. Now I know some of you may not agree with that, and I do understand, this is my personal feelings.
Been doing a lot of shows lately. Yes, God has been good. As I venture closer to His word, I am starting to see things from a whole different perspective in this entertainment industry. I used to spend a lot of time mad and introverted when it came to this game. I respected a lot of people but I kept a lot of things to myself. It’s funny because when I think back, a lot of people thought I said things about them or was shooting slugs when that wasn’t even the case. I write a lot of things off the cuff; I really am crazy like that but people don’t believe me. There is no method to my madness. I feel this is the reason I didn’t hang with other artist too much, why I tried to show love without exposing too much off myself, and not panning out with artists or producers. Now, I’m happier. I see things clearer than I did before. The animosity that may be in someone else’s heart I no longer can feel. You can’t feel tension if it has nothing to retract to. Lightning doesn’t start from outta nowhere. If I have a problem with something or someone, I can now say it with loving-kindness. There is no hostility; only truth. I love all the people grinding and really trying to make it. While I may not love, or for that matter like, their music, I do appreciate the grind because I do it too. Everyone will not love my music. If they did, I would be on by now. Had a show on the 13th of November that was bananas!! Was at Kitty’s Place with DJ Lady JA-Roq on last Tuesday. Had a show at Rack Daddy’s on Friday that turned out to not be a show because of a janky promoter. If you wanna find out what I’m talking about, go to the Facebook. This is not the place to repeat myself. Tonight, I will be at Emerald City in South Dallas so if you don’t have anything to do, ya boy Spaceship Ohayses, the Incredible will be in the building. On next Friday, November 25th, I will be performing comedy at Club Arnetic for the Artist Explosion Tour. So if you get a chance, come check me out!!......
Well, I just remembered I promise my home girl I would call her when I got out of church. So I love yall, I miss yall, keep my in your prayers.
Love yall!
Church…………………………...(I can do it here!)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
I’ve been thinking about giving it all up……yea, I said it……..and I don’t feel like I’m quitting……for most of you that know me, understand I am a pretty factual person… of my flaws may be that I don’t go off emotion too many times… I have taken this journey as an entertainer, I have always proclaimed that there are two jobs that you need to have people supporting you….and those are the President and an entertainer…..I have achieved many successes and have done things I would have never dreamed of……the fact remains though, I’m still not “on”…..yea, I do a lot of things in Dallas……name is recognized….but let’s not trip….im not on any magazine covers or at any awards shows……and yes, it does bother me………I was hoping this talent would allow me never to have my kids struggling like I did growing up……to not have to live check to check……but something is missing…….is it me?.........
I ask myself that a lot because my popularity is limited….i mean, people fucks with me and say they like me…in the end……my numbers don’t show it……I can post about fucking a chick on Facebook and get 20 comments but when I ask someone to check out my music, I can’t even get a like…….and I wonder if I have pigeon holed myself into this situation……being a sexual creature has its advantages…..but what happens when you realize, that’s all someone wants you for?.......that the other piece of you is nothingness to them……I try to be a man of great substance, yet, many people don’t know this side of me……and it’s not like I don’t show it……they just don’t pay attention… why am I holding on to the hope that they will support me without ulterior motives??.........
I wish people could see that I mean more good than harm… “realness” and being blunt is only a defense to me having to be strong…..i was taught the quickest way to a point is a straight line, so I continue to let my mouth and my brain meet at the same time……when I say how I feel , my intentions are not to hurt….but if someone is going to be hurt in this situation, why must it be me for saying what I feel? this scaring people off… my tactless nature pushing people who would otherwise be there for me away….have I been too blind to see it?......i ask myself often, “what happened to my great friend?......was it a façade…or was I so selfish that I didn’t recognize the signs of my transgressions?......
Or am I not that hot?......maybe I am looking in the wrong direction……sometimes, we have to understand when our time has passed and we must cope with this reality……I love what I do…there is not many things that bring me joy as entertaining…….but if I cannot bring the masses to see me, I can stick to writing a bunch of posts on Facebook and leave it at that…..many times, I am asked by artist what can they do to become better…it’s a little more difficult when you don’t have the answers for yourself…..
So I am contemplating……I love you guys tremendously…..and I am grateful to have had this hour to dance……maybe, I can get one more dance before the clock strikes 12…….
Love yall!!!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
BTW, have u checked out The Incredible radio show on Ustream yet?.......umm, what are you waiting for….all you have to do is click here: and you too will be wondering what is going on in my head…..i know a lot of you will be hearing about the show for the first time, but I promise you, it’s must see TV…..working on getting an actual late night talk show based off it…pray for me………
SEPT 12TH…….i will be starting a game night at Heroes Lounge…..doors open at 4……we will be watching the Monday Night Football game and you will be able to play your favorite games such as spades, dominoes, Monopoly, Connect 4,maybe even Twister!!........come on out and kick it with ya boy for the football season!!......drink specials, wing deals, and great music……this event will also be DJ’d by the one and only DJ Lady Ja-Roq!!.........
Speaking of which……she’s bacccccckk!!....DJ Lady Ja-Roq is back to open mic ways live and in effect Tuesdays at Charlie’s off Mockingbird and 35……just go the opposite way of 183 from 35 and you will see it on the right hand side….all artist, fans, supporters, poets, and singers……yall know how Ja-Roq does so go on out there and support her…….
Now I know you may be thinking?....but Ship?.......aren’t you the host…….nope!! homie Christy B is the host and she is exceptional……for some reason, some folks don’t like me….but I’m comfortable with that…….i will always love my DJ………..
I have my fan page open for business on Facebook.…go to the Spaceship Ohayses page that has a picture of Ja-Roq and I…..i will be posting most of my events there…, videos, updates……and if I have weeks opening…..a lot of new things are on the horizon….im excited……and I gots ta be more focused!!.....
Have you ever reached your bottom?....i mean, like really to the point where you felt you had nowhere to turn?.....well I did…..and then something funny happened….i started not to care….and it wasn’t insomuch about not caring about life……but just caring about the circumstance and looking for a result…..for a minute, I was stuck in a rut of the worse kind….a mental rut…..i felt I could do no right… consumed me how I would try to do the right thing and end up doing the wrong thing……I felt like a loser and I felt like a quitter….on the surface, I was going everywhere, always smiling, always joking or cracking on someone….but when I got home, I cried….i ask the Lord for answers and told him I would do whatever it took to be right…I am just so tired of struggling……..
There are times when I think he doesn’t hear me……or maybe he’s just tired of answering my idle praise….i once told a family member, “I don’t think he hears me. He never talks back.”…….this is a time when I know he heard me….the funny thing is, I think God puts our prayers in order……even if we pray and ask God for favor, he has billions more asking at the same time….i wonder if he does them in alphabetical order……the most important thing he has given me is a sound mind…..most people think Spaceship Ohayses is crazy; but lately, I truly had been feeling that way…..some of my obstacles are still here….i am far from being comfortable in my life……I am, however, sure that God has brought me to this point for a reason….and I have bent but not yet been broken……I know sometimes we may feel like hope is lost…..i think that’s human nature…..if we look back on our life, we can see that through all situations, we have overcome them and are still living……we made it this far……so what makes us think that the problem we are facing right now or the one in the unforeseeable future with impede us….we must believe and we must have a peace about ourselves…when we panic, we have a tendency to not look at things clearly and in the more optimistic way…..we are overcomers…….
BIG SHOUT OUT TO THE NEWEST MEMBER OF THE ESSENTIAL ENTERTAINMENT/ FRONTLINE ENTERTAINMENT FAMILY TLi da Ripper…..i will be doing a feature on him soon so yall can get acclimated with the newest member of Essential Entertainment……..
Okay, I think I’m done…anything else??.......nope!!
Love Yall!!!!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
If you are reading this, then you know how to contact me……so I had to say this..this Saturday, I will be performing live at 2826 Arnetic on Main Street in Deep Ellum… is a birthday party and I will be performing with the band One Nite Stand… some of you have heard me rock out with a band but if you have not, you should definitely come out and check us out……if you have any questions, CONTACT ME!!....don’t just not come because you say you didn’t know…..lame ass excuses…….
I was talking to a friend tonight and this is the origin of why I am writing……we were talking about how people dance in Dallas… don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the type of dances here…or rather, they are quite hilarious….but this is not what I come here to discuss……I come to talk about sex……yep, this a grown up blog…… if you don’t want to take that journey…stop reading here………
Wait for it……………
Wait for it……………..
Wait for it……………
Okay Cool…..Shall I Proceed?
See, the problem down here……they don’t play slow music in the club…..that’s why folks don’t know how to have sex….see when I was growing up and we went out…, party, house party, anything, they would play the same routine….new shit at first……..the shit on the radio…….then the music that’s gonna get the women on the floor (line dancing, bounce/boy music)……..some more new shit…then some slow jam…….POW!!!......this is when the men get to practice with the body….Bump And Grind, T-Shirt and Panties, They Don’t Know….man, we used to get it in……nowadays, the dudes and the females don’t dance with each other…they dance in their clicks……what the fuck is that shit?...dude, get on it….but NOOOOOO!!!!, we grinding all night and then when we get the woman in the bed we think that’s how she want it…..sorry partna, not at all…….men, don’t know how to get deep in the pus anymore…….we too busy trying to bust that pussy open and tear the pussy up………idiots……
And to my sisters……yall cant do have the shit in the bed that you do in the club…..women used to grind and dance with the fellas to see what he working wit on the sly……so don’t get mad cause you thought his belt buckle was his dick…….you wanna do splits and dance all up on your bff and then expect a man to find you attractive in the club…..and why do you have your shoes off in the club again?......women in the club used to be sexy….now they too busy screaming how they an independent bitch……but I can’t call you that right?..........
The club used to be practice….that was how you found a groove with a person…music period….I wonder if that’s why old people slow dance in their living room or even at clubs….they keeping their rhythm together…we just not on game……we miserable with compatibility issues but all it takes is a simple test…..slow dance with them…that will tell you a lot………..
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Now, I say this in love and kindness……I DO NOT LIVE FOR ANYONE BUT MY GRANDPARENTS AND MY DAUGHTER!!!........I say that because recently I have been tinkering around on my facebook and I went back into “case study mode”…that’s when I do or say something to get a reaction…..well, lately, I have been getting a few messages questioning some of the things I said……this is my life….if things happen, so be it……I found myself living to make other people happy from 2003-2009….in the end, I was the one full of heartache and pain……I love you guys with all my sincerity, but I refuse to stop or alter my life to make someone else happy……I remember when I had my album release party, people were telling me not to let some artist perform….when I had my bday party, folks got upset about me not having them perform….when I kick it with someone, I am offered suggestions on how to handle that person…..and that ish is draining….and petty… from this day forward, you have been warned……because of my life as an entertainer, I understand how important it is to try to keep people happy and supportive of your goals….right now, I’m in a “dgaf” attitude… if you think this message pertains to you…..STOP IT…next time, I may just put you on blast!!......
Friday, I was out of town and received a phone call from a co-worker… was a call of the worse kind….another one of our buddies son was killed… the father is someone we look up to here and he was pretty crushed about the ordeal…I mean, why wouldn’t he be?.....his only son…shot down for stupid purposes……it was a very hard pill for him to swallow… I talked to my friend, I begin to reminisce about my grandparents and the pain I suffered with their passing…..I had to ask myself, “if now isn’t a good time to love, when is?”……I’m getting older and as time pass, I think even I begun to take that word for granted…yes, I have my Jayla….and some days that’s all I need…but even I am guilty of not thinking about her everyday…..maybe its due to not seeing her everyday……and for me at times, out of site, out of mind……but as I talked to him, its more than just my daughter I am concerned about……its everything…….yes, I do want to get married again…yes I do want to have more kids…yes I want my music and entertainment to take off…….I want to feel loved and I want to reciprocate that feeling… the age of 31, I am just now being able to distinguish when someone loves me…….it may sound funny, but it’s the truth……working in the realm of entertainment, love is not something that is prevalent; this business consist of a lot of snake, evils, and people that want to use you to enhance themselves……its easy to fall into that trap and either you become one that does those things or you become so numb to people’s words that even outside of it, you doubt genuine behavior….think about a prosecutor or an investigator…..they spend a large amount of time interrogating people looking for they truth….how hard do u think it is when they have a child that they think is lying to them or even a loved one??........we may think its not true, but look at how we act when we ask our kids did they do something.....and we know they lying…..we will bust a vein with intensity…….especially when we know we are right…….
So I have to figure this out……for me….not anyone else but myself… I am not in a place of unhappiness….just in a place where I need clarity… there someone that has my attention…yes……is there someone I know is good for me….indeed……are their people that I don’t take the time to show how much I love them….yes indeed…..and we must be mindful that tomorrow is not promised to any of us… matter how upset my grandmother used to be at us, we never went to bed angry….there are so many times where we will get mad at our friends and wont speak……but you never know if that is the last time you will see them or even speak to them…….to love someone is not mandatory…but to love in general is…we spend way too much time being mad for nothing…for things that wont matter within a week……for reasons we soon forget……and for situations that can be changed……I’m not asking for you to love me….love yourself first…I promise it will shine brighter than the biggest son……lets not continue to focus on why things aren’t…in this day and time, we need to focus on what is………and that is love……because regardless of who we are, someone loves you for just being you……….
Well I am about to get out of here……don’t really have anymore work to do but I think I have rambled enough…..continue to support Spaceship’s Incredible Sunday Showdown on each Sunday from 6-10cst…all you have to do is go to the website, click on the station that says hip hop/r&b and hit video chat…its an online station so no matter where you are at, you can tune in!!........
The new album, “Operation: Hip Hop” is coming this summer #TEAMOHAYSES
Love yall!!!!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
I’m going to boot camp with one of my co-workers on Wednesday…ima let that marinate for a minute……exactly my thoughts too…STOP LAUGHING AT ME!!......I promised her I would go and because of the way my body shut down on me last week, I know its more important than ever that I get in shape……I haven’t had a rigorous exercise in a long time…..I just don’t see myself wanting to die right now… I will go and work diligently on getting my body in shape…..ooh, if I get fine……I may have to have security!!.........
Something that disturbs me…..the other day I was conversing with someone and they said something that rubbed me the wrong way….when I brought it to their attention, they said they were just joking… question is: would they have said they were joking if I would not have voiced my displeasure on the topic??......I see this a lot…..hear it even more, especially at the workplace….we must be mindful of the things we say to people….now I do understand that you may be thinking. “Spaceship, you are one of the meanest people I know”…….and that is a correct statement……when I say something, I am very reasonable at letting you know if I am joking or not….I am not usually the one to say “j/k” or “j/p” after I see your displeasure at my comment….we are all human; and we all have emotions and feelings that make us react…some negative and some positive…the key to life is being real….always……we will never like everything everyone says……so don’t bite your tongue and don’t take back the things you said…..
My mixtape is in the works….it will be entitled “Operation: Hip Hop”……now, I am not too fond of making mixtapes but I think this is needed… the process of making myself a brand….or creating my brand……I feel my craft at being an MC is being lost…so, I have to do what only I know how…..create the hottest mixtape of 2011…..and I guarantee you it will be explosive…..I’m going to put my soul in this album……to me, hip hop is at war against rap music…and yes, rap does have its place….I love it at times..(I cant believe I just admitted that)…….it just wont have a place on this album….my prayer is that I may work with artist that will not only enhance this work, but elevate my craft……I love making music…it is, my first love in this entertainment realm….and I haven’t made an album since the passing of grandma….so this will be dedicated to her……time to turn up the energy and give the streets what they need!!.....
My girl Pasha just put an article out on me on their website…I would appreciate it if you all checked it out….go to and leave a comment…..all it takes is a minute and I know you would be proud of ya boi!!.........don’t forget each and every Sunday, it’s Spaceship’s Incredible Sunday Showdown on on the hip hop/r&b station….all u have to do is click the link and hit “video chat room”….we are always fooling in their and I play all of your favorites young and old….it doesn’t matter what city you are in, what country you are visiting, or what you are watching on TV….from 6-10 cst, you can listen to me and get your party on the only way I know how….
Wrestlemania 27 is in the books and I didn’t get to watch it!! but hey, I had to work…shout out to Edge and the Miz for winning their respective matches……
Well, now its time to say goodbye to all my fellow friends…..let me get up out of here…remember to support, love, encourage and uplift….its the only way we can stay in a positive mode…..
Love yall!!!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Funny how times flies huh? I remember when we first met and you were the only person that talked to me in class. As I sat by myself at lunch, you came over and started a conversation with me. Going to school was more about seeing you than it was learning. People thought you were either a family member or we were in a relationship. Our friendship was based on neither. There were times when we got mad at each other, but nothing that had us at odds longer than a few minutes. We were fortunate enough to go to the same elementary, middle, and high school. We had even planned to go to college together. The older we got, the more I felt our destinies were tied to each other. There was never any pressure for us “to be together”; except of course by our other friends. I knew that you were apart of me and a person I could always count on.
When I got married, you were there for me. You helped me through all my times and never judged my significant other. I was able to confide in you and tell you how I was feeling without you giving me any grief. You became friends with them; helping them to pick out things for holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries. We double dated a few times and it was even more of a blessing that no jealousy was ever felt on anyone’s part. Once my marriage began to go downhill, you were the one that told me to stay and work it out. You were the one that told me that I may never find another person I was willing to spend the rest of my life with. And being a friend, I listened. Until I couldn’t take anymore. When I informed you of my decision to walk away, again, you didn’t judge me. You stayed by my side, never pressuring me to change my decision. You consoled me and stayed the loving loyal friend that I had known since elementary school.
And then we had sex. We promised each other never to change, and we lied. I can remember that day almost clearer than the day of my first child. Yes, it was a heat of the moment thing. And yes, it was very good, but my intent was never to hurt you or complicate our relationship. You are the one person I never had to worry about leaving my side or being in a complicated state with. I looked to you for my strength and my inspiration. And everything was the same. Because you knew I didn’t want a relationship with anyone else. I wanted to “do me”. Play the field and enjoy being single. My ex was my first and only up until the point when you and I became intimate. This was a new stage in my life and even after my divorce, you didn’t want me as more than what I had become: your best friend.
So tell me why now has all this changed? Yes, I have met a person of interest and yes, we are moving towards something magical. I would think you would be happy for me. Contrary to that belief, it seems like you are starting to spite me. Our conversations are shorter, you seem to have jealous intent when asking how we are doing, and you no longer come around like you used to. I am still here for you. I will never let you go from my side. I love you too much. The love I have for you is not the same love I hold in my heart for them. I don’t say this to be mean; just honest. It’s crazy how I never thought I would have to make a decision between you and someone else. I told you if they ever gave me that ultimatum, the decision would be easy. Now, you seem like the one giving the decision. My choice will not be as hard as you think. As much I do love you and want you in my life, I refuse to have my friendship threaten by your sensitivity to my happiness. I want you in my life. If you can’t be there, I know what I have to do although I may not want to do it.
I love you. Come back to me.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Well, about this bash….it was totally off the chain and such a blessing for me!!.......I don’t say this because it was my event, but if you missed it, you missed something special….sometimes its hard to gauge who really cares and really supports your movement….well on March 12th, I found out….from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everyone that was in attendance for this event….it was an honor to have u there and to perform in front of you all….to the baddest band in the land, One Night Stand… all are a God send and you have created a motivation in me that you may not even realize…thank you…..I am not going to individually thank everyone….this blog would be too long….but if you were there, I love you dearly…..and if you came to the Presidential Suite afterwards…well, lets just leave that in our memories!!!....
About to start working on a new mixtape…..yea, I said it…I know what you all are thinking, “Spaceship, u don’t make mixtapes!!”….I don’t but sometimes you have to do something different…..I don’t know what I am going to call it as of now…..haven’t even thought about it...trying to get my money up first because once I start it, I’m not going to want to take forever to finish it…..and maybe, just maybe by the end of the year, I may release another album…..its been a minute since I recorded some new music so I think this week will be a week where I focus on concepts and arranging a mixtape I feel is worthy to put out to the nation…nope, this will not be a locally, or regional mixtape…..this is about to go national babe!!......
I must get some things off my chest though…and yes this to anybody who take offense to it…first thing, I’m still dealing with my attitude…so don’t ask how was my birthday party if you didn’t come....I know a lot of people had things to do…some of you though, aren’t supporters of my movement and only wish failure upon me…..I wont be too mean to you….I just don’t feel like telling you how it was if you didn’t find time to celebrate with me…..second thing…….I cant continue to help push someone to a new place or support someone that doesn’t want it…..its draining…and this is something for all of us….how many times have we allowed people to hold us down trying to help them move to a different place…..unfortunately, some people are scared of success…..some people like staying in their rut…..greatness is not that hard to obtain; it’s the work and effort one puts in to accomplish their goals…over this past weekend, I realized that some people don’t want to change….and others don’t want anything but what they have……its not that I want to be mean…..even though in their opinion, you will be……I have mountains to climb…..I have to achieve all that God wants me to and babysitting is not on my list to do!!.......
Also, I think I am ready to get married……..
Well this is the end of today’s edition…I honestly had more to say, but my boss just made me upset and I forgot everything I was going to say…I could wait to send this out…..but I’m in one of those moods…..make sure you tune in tomorrow for allure radio with Ms Nique Nique and myself on and Spaceship’s Incredible Sunday Showdown each and every Sunday on and click on the hip hop/r&b station…..your support is truly welcomed….
Love yall!!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
You all should have seen the flyer by now….its on twitter, facebook, and I have sent it by email to some….if you have not, I will definitely be sending it out via email….even if I don’t want to… is starting to suck but I know this is the passage that we all began this journey on, so I must continue it…..tonight, don’t forget I will be live on Fishbowl Radio with my homie Ms. Nique Nique as we bring you the best in online radio havoc….we are in the grey bowl from 9-11 central standard time…..and Sunday, I will be on from 6-10 central standard time for Spaceship’s Incredible Sunday Showdown…..and if you have not had a chance to listen to either show, you are missing a treat!!......
So….I feel a change of winds coming on…..I’m approaching the young age of 31 Tuesday and my life is finally reaching a level I have always prayed about… life was never easy….but a lot of times, I made it harder….I have never claimed to be a product of my environment or a lost cause….my motto was that I was born alone and I shall die alone….hurt and pain were the only things I could relate to when it came to people…yes, I love to entertain, but to get emotionally attached often left me with a sour taste and a numb feeling….through my marriage, the birth of my daughter, the death of my grandparents and various other milestones in my life, I decided to always keep my feelings close to my hip….for so long, I was the advice column; giving advice to those when in fact, I had no answers for myself…..I felt like Janet Jackson in Why Did I Get Married…….
The lack of smiling was not my true emotion, it was my wall…..I felt there was a certain weakness within me if I allowed happy emotions to show…the majority of folks that surrounded me either were negative, messy, or wanted me to stay in yesterday….instead of always defending myself, I chose to keep this wall up, hoping it would cause a fear to them to establish a relationship with me…the only time I could show elatement was when I was performing……after that, back I go into the cave that was my soul… don’t get me wrong, I tried to push through my own wall, only to find myself falling in deeper from the backlash which was my own self-pity….did I know I was internally throwing myself a pity party?....sometimes….did I care?....not one bit…for I felt the safest place for me to be would be within my thoughts, dreams, and emotions……
At the beginning of the year, I decided to find myself… love what was and is….to search for that person that others saw but I didn’t…..and here he stands…now, I am happier and more blessed than I can ever remember being….a smile is not unusual now; it is becoming the norm…..frustration of failed decisions are like dew on an oak tree……relationships are growing while opportunities are happening at a fascinating pace…to love thyself is the greatest love next to God and I am thankful that I was allowed to find this peace before it was too late…now, don’t get me wrong….I am still the same Spaceship Ohayses….I still have those tendencies….however, I am learning to channel them and not allow myself to dwell on them…..I remember being called nonchalant a lot just because I didn’t show any emotions… I am nonchalant because my emotions are not getting affected the way they used to be….and it’s a beautiful thing…..I feel myself growing’ ready for whatever the world has to offer me and excited about seeing a new day….I feel a rebirth within my soul……..
We all have had our trials and tribulations….growing pains are a part of life just like going to the club, road trips and relationships… one is immune to them….how we respond shows the truest testament of our character…..until that final page is done, we always have the chance to write a happy ending… many people that influence us, we are the final decision maker in our paths to greatness….no one, and I mean no one will love you like you do…no one will know what it takes for you to be happy like you do… now what?....WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT??
Love yall!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Also, don’t forget to check out my girl Ms Nique Nique and myself on fish bowl radio in the grey bowl every Friday night from 9-11 cst…… and myself on on the hip hop/r&b station every Sunday from 6-10 cst……God has been showing me so much favor it is ridiculous!!.....I hope that you all can become a part of out internet radio family…and if you know anything about me, you know I am always going to let loose with a mic in my hand…….
So, I went home to Michigan this past weekend…was able to spend some time with my loved ones, see some friends and just enjoy a good weekend of relaxation… was totally hard for me to drive past my grandmother house and see it vacant….this was the first time I ever went home and did not pull into 310 Harriet Street first….crazy feeling there I tell you…..I ended up going to my grandmother’s church on Sunday to see those that loved her as well as some family members that had not talked to me since her passing….as we walked in, it was realized that we were terribly late…..the pastor was already up and giving the message so I sat down and listened to what he had to say….he was talking about yesterday……
Yesterday is our past…its amazing how people keep us neutral from growth and the progressions of life by constantly bringing up our yesterday……we have all made many mistakes, but that was yesterday……we may have faced defeat, adversity, sorrow, pain, and despair, but that was yesterday….we may have even strayed away from the things God commands of us, but once we decide to get it right….once we choose to change courses in our life, those things become yesterday… amazes me, when I look back and honestly reflect on the path I have taken, how many folks try to convince ME to stay in my yesterday…..and believe me, I know how hard it is to cut those thoughts and people off and focus on my today and my tomorrow……
I’m not going to sit here and tell you cut people off…most of our biggest haters are the ones we love the most…..we must realize as we continue to obtain wisdom…as we continue to move towards the dreams and destinations of our heart, that some things…people, places, ideologies, and habits must cease to exist in our lives…or as my grandmother would say, “feed em with a long handle spoon”……I cant move forward if I am always looking in my rear view mirror at yesterday…I will eventually crash……if my vehicle to go to tomorrow is stuck in neutral, where am I really going….for too long, I was told what I cant do....what wont work....and how I will always be…well, my friends, I am here to say I am a testimony of what positive thinking and hard work can do….I don’t strive to be mean to people; just honest to myself….how can I focus on marriage, continuing to play the field? can I focus on my career wishing I was still in college?......where would I be if I still acted as if no one loved me and I was back running the streets like in high school……tomorrow is approaching fast….and I cant get ready for it if I am still dealing with….yesterday….
Continue to focus on the greatness in you….always work with high moral and never allow yourself to put in yesterday….time waits for no man…..and it is the one thing you can get back…so leave it where it sleeps…in yesterday…….
Love yall!!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Now most of you know the surface story as to why I don’t like Valentine’s Day…or any holiday for that matter……and if you don’t know, make sure you check out the broadcast of Allure Radio with me and Ms. Nique Nique at……..but the reasons are even deeper than that…..I once said in a blog, you cant love someone unless you love yourself….now, while some may think that giving presents or showing someone you care for them is the purpose of the day, I ask, is it really?......see, for the last few years, I have been in this re-building mode within my soul…..not here to say I don’t love myself, but there have been times where I questioned it…my lifestyle was wild, I was unconscious to the things I was doing and the consequences of said actions…..reckless you can say…my mentally was of that “I don’t give an f” attitude…..I was used to doing things my way, my pace, my style and I accepted that I would never change…..well, its funny how time brings about change and the older I have gotten and the more God has dealt with me, the more I realized that my life was stuck in neutral……and it was my fault……
I am just now opening myself back up to love….yeah, I have done a great job of liking things-music, women, clubs, hobbies, Jayla, and myself included….but I had to ask myself, when was the last time I love something other than my daughter o entertaining…..when was the last time I told myself how much I loved me? know when we are in a relationship and the feeling begins to dissipate, we find reasons to not be around that person….we have a shorter fuse…..we pick arguments…and we are not as receptive to their love as in the past…..what do you do when u fall out of love with yourself? have no where to run…you cant have private time, or not call yourself for days….you have to deal with it and try to make those changes while continuing to be around yourself….sounds funny? Maybe….the truth is, more people face this issue than we realize and it’s a deficiency many of us don’t have an answer for…..I realized that it truly did start with the man in the mirror…….
So now, I am more focused on loving me…..not beating myself up about tough decisions...I understand the hand I was dealt and instead of dreading it and throwing my cards back in, I play with what I have, hoping to achieve a win…..a lot of things have made me who I am…..I remember a time in my life where I never lost at anything… I look at many things as a lost…just because they don’t grant me the things I would hope to gain, does not mean the lessons and the prize is less valuable….life is what you make it….love is the benefit of living a positive life…not love from others; but love from yourself…..nothing in life can take that away as long as you know who you are and are not afraid to hide from this fact……so today, I give myself a Valentine’s present: happiness…….
I think this will be the last blog I send out via email…..I love writing it sending it is becoming a small hassle….and who reads em anyway??...if you are that interested, I have a site to look them up on……not trying to be mean at all….just efficient….especially here at work… if you want to read up on what’s going on you can always check out ……..until next time!!!
Love yall!!!!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
First things first…..just found out the Beast of the Streets competition scheduled for this Friday has been rescheduled....until February 25th….not a big deal right?!...well, that is the weekend I am going home to Flint… I am kinda of bummed about it…even more so because before they changed the date, they didn’t ask me if it was ok…I am not sure if they assumed I would be fine with the move, were only looking out for their best interest, were too busy to confirm with me, or just a little bit of all three…..if anyone wants to sign up though, you can still get me the funds and registration information….I pray everyone does an awesome job and that they can win the $500!!......
Soo….last night I went to the Prophet Bar off Elm Street…..I receive emails about this event all the time but never took the time to check it out…….they have a live band there and they hold an open mic….not like the open mics I am used to hosting, but the one where the band plays certain songs and you can get up there and rock out….most of the artist there are a matter of fact, I was the only MC that got on stage….but I can tell you with all my heart and soul, it was an amazing evening….now I got to the club about 10…..they were about 4 people in there….no biggie….im used to going places early cause I like to leave early…..well when the band started playing, they allowed me to jump on stage and rock for a minute….now, not being one that likes to wear out my welcome, I didn’t stay up there long….just long enough to give them a skeet taste of what I had to offer…..well time went by and more people showed up….the guy that was announcing the list seemed to over looking me…..singer, after singer, after singer went on stage and rocked the crowd….BUT I HAD BEEN THERE SINCE TEN?!!...why were they all going on before me……my battery on my phone was dead and I had already made quota drinking Heinekens…..performing and sleep were the last two things on my agenda I had yet to accomplish…..each time I got ready to leave, I was told to stay….ugh, decisions, decisions…….I kept telling myself, “if they don’t call me next, im leaving”…but I never left…even took a powernap until I heard on the mic my name…so I got up…..mustered up all the strength in my soul and performed like I was the featured act….the crowd responded well….and then there was one person that couldn’t take her eyes off me…..
As I got off stage ready to make a B Line for the entrance, said lady stopped me and told me I was awesome….she asked if I had a card…..I gave her one out of my wallet and proceeded to at least listen to the next act for a few seconds…I hate when people leave right after they perform so I try to live by that creed myself….so as I get ready to leave I walk past the lady again and ask for her name…..she told me previously, but honestly, I wasn’t paying too much attention…she asked me to look it up so I did…..and WOW!!!....she has credentials longer than my……..hopefully, we will be able to chop it up and possibly this could be the breakthrough I have been praying God for….its so crazy how God continued to stop me from leaving as much as my body was telling me to go…..and even though it was only about 20 people in the club, it only takes one to pay attention to your talents and give you that inspiration to keep it up……
So I say to all my people that are trying to make a better life for themselves...never give up....never look at what is…..continue to know what God can do and how he can feed a village with bread and fish……I know I have been guilty of looking at my surroundings and thinking that there are not enough people in a place for it to be worth it….or that everyone may not like my brand of music…..but most trees grow from one seed….and that tree can have a everlasting effect on its environment……if you believe in yourself, I can guarantee you someone else will eventually believe in you as well……
Love yall!!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
But of course…..My official birthday bash is tentatively scheduled for march 12th….the location right now is kinda up in the air but I think I have pinpointed that as well….Spaceship will be turning the big 31…(no, I cant believe it either; God has been so good to me!!)……so plan to be at this gala event…if there is anyone that would like to help with organizing this gala event, let me know…..I think I know everything I want to do at this party....such as not hosting…..a comedic roast, artist performing…and yes that does include me… first, I wasn’t really feeling a party this year, but what the hell!!.......s/n: someone told me yesterday, “you only turn 31 once?”…aint that with any birthday?.....things like that have no bearing on any decisions I make……..
I also think I found a location to start back with my open mic nights…..but of course they will be a little different…so I am attempting to figure out if this is the direction I want to go…..I love hosting and I met a lot of great people/artist along the way….time to get back on this grind and make everything a success……
This Friday, I will be hosting the “Beast of the Streets” competition at TI Blvd……grand prize is $500 and 3 hours worth of studio time to record music…..if you still want to register, get with me IMMEDIATELY….registration costs is $25 for an individual artist and $50 for a group of 2-6……don’t really think there are groups with more than that in them, so come on out and win you some money….if you are that hot….#imjustsaying…….
Also, next Tuesday….February 15th, I will be performing at the “Are You the Next Top Artist” Showcase at the Boiler Room down in Deep Ellum….I definitely encourage everyone to come out and support me on this venture …got a few surprises lined up so I am looking forward to showing them that I don’t have next…I GOTS NOW!!......
Something that bothers me….open toe boots……what’s the purpose? are to warm your feet…..but hey, I’m not a woman…….
Congrats to the Green Bay Packers on winning the Super Bowl last night….I didn’t get a chance to watch the game….I have my online radio show each and every Sunday…It’s Spaceship’s Incredible Sunday Showdown on ……I am on the hip hop/r&b station…..from 6-10 CENTRAL STANDARD TIME… now you cant say you cant hear me because internet radio goes along way!!......I truly love doing radio and you all can get in the video chat room, call in to our radio line, or email me……all it takes is a little bit of time and if you are at home, I do encourage to check it out……
What was up with Christina Aguilera last night??.....did she butcher the National Anthem or what.....just my opinion but if you are that famous, shouldn’t you have that kind of thing rehearsed and ready to go??....unless you were subdued by a monumentous amount of crack cocaine before you got on stage… was almost as bad as Carl Lewis …please check that out!!
Make sure you follow me on twitter: @spaceshipo…….I’m just about as random there as those that know me in my personal life…..and please, have others follow me as well…..not into begging folks anymore….people will be people….and my attitude is changing in regards to being upset about those that hang on or bandwagon jump at the last minute…I understand the life God gives me and the people that will doubt me…I’m just going to continue doing my thing and pray that it pays off according to His will……
I love yall….I really do….just when I feel like giving up, you guys continue to push me to a higher ground…you truly lift me up when you may not know it…all the support, the love, the comments, the criticism, the jokes….all of those things help me prosper into being the best entertainer in the world……to the few of you that don’t see it….its cool……you will……
And lastly, I talked to DJ Lady Ja-Roq…she is well and wants you all to know that she loves you and she misses you….and no matter what some people have said, our bond will never break…….when she returns I beg that yall are ready…she will be new, improved, and even more incredible that Spaceship…well, not THAT incredible but you get he point…..
Well, ima get back to work before massa comes over here lurking over my shoulder…….
Shout outs to my girl Vera…happy birthday love…and to Nina……thank you for continuing to believe in me and for giving me avenues to continue my craft…….
Love Yall!!!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I remember when I lost my wallet…my ex wife and I had finished having dinner and from the restaurant to the store, somehow, I lost it….I was frustrated…the next day, I had to go to the social security office to get a new card…..when I walked in, it was packed….and it was early….I had to go to work so I couldn’t stay too long…actually I was there for about an hour and a half and after that, my patience wore thin and I left….the next two days I returned with the same obstacle…..line long as Texas, and I didn’t want to wait…..eventually, I had to take off a half of day from work so I could be seen…I had to get my new social security card…..
Sometimes our impatience allows us to miss our blessings….Monday, a good friend of mine called and I was telling him about my desire to stop making music…his reply?...”stay in line long enough, you will get to the window”……and that is a very true may not be our at a particular moment so we must wait….we must continue to walk in the faith that eventually, it will be our turn to get our needs and wishes granted…sometimes, I see people get jealous of others receiving blessings, wishing and praying it was them….what we don’t know is how faithful they were doing that process….the adversity they faced during their wait,…and the optimism they maintained knowing it shall be done…..lets not be discouraged by what we don’t see knowing and believing what will be……
This blog is dedicated to myself……my mind is fluctuating right now, moving through all facets of my life…my intent is always good…..but there are days where I am weary….they are times when giving up seems easier….to get out of the line of blessings because I have something else to do…..but I cant do it along….and after it is all said and done all I can do is stand…..and wait patiently….with love and anticipation that the request I have asked for will be granted….my journey cant be over….I have yet to reach my window of prosperity….and for that reason alone, I know that I have great things in store for me……..and remember....He has enough behind his counter for everyone….once he serves one person, he’s not done…you will never be shortchanged from your blessings!!
Not gonna take up too much time……gonna get out of here shortly……just wanted to get in the habit of blogging again…….
Love yall!!!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Last we spoke, I was considering retirement from the entertainment industry….it has been a very difficult road that I was not sure I could stay on…my decision is still pending, but only in the realm of making music…..I love what I do within the industry, I just don’t know if making music is one of them….it is so political here in Dallas….my grandfather used to tell me, its not what you know, its who you know...and boy was he right….and to think of all the people I have come across down here, its still like pulling teeth to get them to listen to a song, or read a blog, or just give a person an opportunity…and its not just me….I have other ventures that compensate my need for attention….what about these other artist??....there grind and music may be even better than mine, but since they are not in the friend loop, they get overlooked....and its sad… I am thinking about managing….helping others get the exposure they so rightfully deserve….and it may not be in Dallas where that recognition is realized….dreams are bigger that OCT……and that’s not October…..
Well I have my own radio show now….every Sunday from 6-10pm CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, you can check me out on on the hip hop/r&b show is called Spaceship’s Incredible Sunday Showdown…..i’m only three weeks in, but it has been so fun…something I look forward to everyweek….you can go online and listen for yourself…..because of the way I feel about the industry, I am giving artist opportunies ot get there music played on air, maybe come down for an interview, and be a featured guest….that is, if your music is hot…..its exciting to me and I absolutely love it....make sure you check it out……
Got a lot of shows coming up in the next few weeks…..I may be sending out flyers for those coming up so I hope you can come out a few times and check me out….support is definitely needed…..
For a minute there, I was depressed….yes, even Spaceship has his moments….I questioned my reason for doing what I do….like I said, as great as many of you believe I am....and I thank you for it, the love and respect of the Dallas industry was not there… problems, relationship issues, tired of my job…it all bunched in at one moment….you know how older folks say that God wont put more on you than you can bare?.....I learned that I can bare a lot….in my mind, I wanted to break down….but my body and my mind didn’t…..I went to church on New Years Eve….yep, no parties, no chilling at the crib, no “cuddling”……and I am so happy I did….I laid my burdens down….and honestly, I don’t know the last time I did that….we say we believe in God and his powers but how many times have we just said, “you know what God, here. Here are my trials and tribulations and lets see you handle them!”…..and you know what, he did…..I was asked the other day what has been the biggest difference between this year and last year…..and you know what, its my thinking…sometimes we can think ourselves into depression….we can make situations and circumstances so big in our mind that we never worry about the solution….I was too busy giving myself a pity party…and it showed at work, talking to women, with my daughter’s mom, even my music….not much has changed as far as my situations….my thinking has altered though….I am no longer worried about the problem, yet searching for the solution…..instead of holding on to past hurts and suppressions, I have let them go….I have lived with a pride issue….worried that I would looked down upon for changing my beliefs……I can no longer continue to hold on to such things….
2011 will be a great year for everyone if you believe it…..everyone has their own story….and we determine what is written on the pages of our lives….why don’t we deserve a happy ending?...each one of have been the symbol of despair at one point in our life…but if we dot believe that God can do all things, who do we believe can? let go and let God…I have and I feel better, I think better, and I act better… those I have offended and hurt due to my actions of 2011, I am deeply apologetic…..sometimes I failed to realize the impact I had on one’s life… intent is never to hurt; it is of love….my “resolution” is to be better each day and focus only on the positives…..
Well, I am out of here….remember if you need a hot host, MC, performer, speaker, or writer, you know who to call…and follow me on twitter@spaceshipo
Love yall dearly!!