Anybody home? HELLLLO!!! Wow, my homie told me today I needed to write a blog. I was like, your right. So here I am for your reading pleasure. Kinda feels weird actually writing again. I really don’t know why I don’t write more. I’m on the internet a lot. But it seems my mind is focused on other things, rather its music or playing Slotomania and Cityville. I’m not on the ellipses anymore. I wrote a wrestling blog and the critics ate me alive. And so I agreed with them. It feels different writing like this but I guess it’s something I will have to get used to. Also, this will make my sentences receive a spell check and I can properly write you guys and grammatically correct blog.
The thing that won’t change will be my honesty. Over these past few months, if you have been watching the Incredible Radio Show on Ustream: (http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-incredible-radio-show) you will know that I have been going through a lot. God has truly been defining himself in my life. I still have many hang ups, many inconsistencies, and many mistakes in my life. I have found a sense of peace, going to church more, and worshipping him. I think that was a problem I had. Even when I did go to church I wouldn’t fellowship in His presence. I would clap and sing along, maybe even scream a Hallelujah at times, but never would allow myself to join in the mist of the Spirit. I’m doing that now. And I love it. With that, comes a place in my soul where I realize that as my life changes, some people will not accept that. Some people will not realize the things I say, while “hurting one’s feelings” is not intentional in their statements, yet a view of realism in this place we call Society. I see more and more of pandering of feelings and cater to other’s emotions that we forget the base principals that make us who we are. We tend to not vocalize our true positions on life with the thinking of “if we can’t say nothing nice, don’t say anything”. Well umm, I do have a voice. And it is not bound by anyone but Him. I think one problem our society has is that neighbors don’t whoop kids anymore. It not only takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to make a real MAN/WOMAN. We tend to try to let things slide too much. And I’m not talking about drama. I’m not discussing a co-worker you despise. I’m talking about life changing things, character and moral flaws, dishonesty and selfishness. Excuse me now if I continue to strike a nerve.
As you may be able to tell, I’m high right now. But that’s a good thing. I tend to open my mind more. Now I know some of you may not agree with that, and I do understand, this is my personal feelings.
Been doing a lot of shows lately. Yes, God has been good. As I venture closer to His word, I am starting to see things from a whole different perspective in this entertainment industry. I used to spend a lot of time mad and introverted when it came to this game. I respected a lot of people but I kept a lot of things to myself. It’s funny because when I think back, a lot of people thought I said things about them or was shooting slugs when that wasn’t even the case. I write a lot of things off the cuff; I really am crazy like that but people don’t believe me. There is no method to my madness. I feel this is the reason I didn’t hang with other artist too much, why I tried to show love without exposing too much off myself, and not panning out with artists or producers. Now, I’m happier. I see things clearer than I did before. The animosity that may be in someone else’s heart I no longer can feel. You can’t feel tension if it has nothing to retract to. Lightning doesn’t start from outta nowhere. If I have a problem with something or someone, I can now say it with loving-kindness. There is no hostility; only truth. I love all the people grinding and really trying to make it. While I may not love, or for that matter like, their music, I do appreciate the grind because I do it too. Everyone will not love my music. If they did, I would be on by now. Had a show on the 13th of November that was bananas!! Was at Kitty’s Place with DJ Lady JA-Roq on last Tuesday. Had a show at Rack Daddy’s on Friday that turned out to not be a show because of a janky promoter. If you wanna find out what I’m talking about, go to the Facebook. This is not the place to repeat myself. Tonight, I will be at Emerald City in South Dallas so if you don’t have anything to do, ya boy Spaceship Ohayses, the Incredible will be in the building. On next Friday, November 25th, I will be performing comedy at Club Arnetic for the Artist Explosion Tour. So if you get a chance, come check me out!!......
Well, I just remembered I promise my home girl I would call her when I got out of church. So I love yall, I miss yall, keep my in your prayers.
Love yall!
Church…………………………...(I can do it here!)